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I could feel myself slipping away, my surroundings blurring. My head was spinning, my whole body aching in pain. The only thing i could think of was him, he left me my only friend, the one I could trust really left me. Everything was going dark I could hear the faint sound of heavy footsteps growing closer to me. "Hello?" I croak out. I don't even know if they can hear me. "Hello." The monotone voice says. I can't find any strength to say any more words. The stranger lifts me into his arms , its the last thing I'm aware of before I collapse, diving into the darkness.

"She's waking up." I hear someone say as I wake up, my whole body bursting in pain. I'm so sore.

I look around at the unfamiliar surroundings. Am I dead? Did I die? He said id be dead. I should be dead. The voices though, that means im not dead, right? I should be dead, but am I?

"Am I dead?" Is all I can say. I hear laughing from beside me and I look to my right, two men stand there looking at me. "Am I?" I push.

"Don't believe so." The older of the two say I meet his green eyes they seem real. This all seems real, but it can't be I should be dead he told me I'd be dead. He didn't just tell me he promised me id be dead. Oh god if he finds out I'm not. My eyes widen in fear at the sudden thought. He can't know, he wont know.

I look back up at the two men, the one who told me I wasn't dead is older looking, with sharp green eyes and short blond hair. He has a kinder face, a fatherly feel about him. When my eyes move over to the other man I take in a breath, his eyes are harsher a deep chocolate brown color. His light brown hair lays over shoulder. He frowns when he sees my staring and I quickly drag my gaze away.

"Where am I?" I look at the older man. I have a lot of questions I want to ask but I don't, I keep my mouth shut I'll only ask what I need to ask. "Devons house, it's a ways away from everyone, out in the snow forest." The older man answers. So the long haired one is Devon, and this is his house. So whose the other man? I'm going to assume father, but why are they in the middle of nowhere? "What's your name?" The man asks me.

I push myself into a sitting position, as soon as I do my side explodes in pain. "Fuck!" What the hell? I look down at my side and a huge bandage wraps entirely around my midsection. "What the hell did you do to me?" Both men look shocked by my question. "What did we do? What did you do?" Devon responds his voice dark and smooth "I saved your ass, found you lying on the ground, nearly dead. I brought you hear darling. That's what I did."

I look at Devon confused, why would he save me? Clayton told me the world was a horrible place, he said no one would ever care as much as he did. He said he was the only one that could ever love me. He's not wrong, he couldn't be wrong. Just looking at Devon I knew, this man was not kind. He was dressed in all black from his combat boots to the cape he had on his back. It was all black, well aside from the gold jewelry he had. A gold ring in his nose, one in his eyebrow, the one I saw in his tongue and the dangling chain in his ear. They were all gold shinning in the light. It made him look even more dangerous. To top it all off, he had a scar on his top lip. Fuck, I was staring. Devon raised a questioning eyebrow at me.

I wanted nothing more than to crawl into Claytons arms and cry. I never should have left him.

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