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"Do not test me!" He yells I shrink away from him a ways "Give it to me! Give it to me now!" Clayton demands my sword almost every single day but I'm tired of it I won't give it up. "Rose I swear to god if you don't give me the damn sword right now..." I've been down this route a few times and it always ends badly but I can't seem to wrap it around my head. I flinch away from him, shaking my head.

"Clayton please." He gives me a devilish smile. "Now Rose." I shake my head tears welling in my eyes. He slaps me across the face. I hand over the sword as tears start to form. "See, that wasn't so hard Rose, you know I hate yelling at you." He softly runs his hand across the cheek he just slapped, collecting my tears. He wraps his arms around me pulling me into his chest. "It's okay I understand, you're to stupid to understand but its okay." I nod into his chest. "You hurt me." I whimper. Clayton smiles "I had to, and ill do it again to so you better listen next time." He growls into my ear fisting my hair.

I gasp sitting up in bed, I run a hand over my face. It's just a dream, nothing else. I'm okay, ill be okay. He wont find me. He can't find me, he can't. I lay back down, staring at the ceiling. ill be fine, I always am.

The next morning Devon and Phil are talking in the kitchen. I walk out yawning and pulling my hair back out of my face. "You look like someone ran you over with a truck." Devon says looking at me. I stare at him, prick. "Thank you so much." I say sarcastically. I shoot Devon a look before walking past them and out the door.

As soon as I'm outside the cold air hits me, I shiver sitting down on the steps. I did not expect it to be this cold outside. Honestly what did i expect? They live out in the middle of a snow forest. I hear his heavy footsteps walking up behind me, he stops puffing out a breath of air. "Come to make fun of me more?" I ask wrapping my arms around myself. "The walls aren't soundproof you know." I look over at him and sigh. "I'm fine, if that's what you're trying to ask." He smiles, not a warm one but more like a smirk.

"Oh, I wasn't. It was more like asking you to shut up. Some people are trying so sleep." I frown rolling my eyes. "Thanks so much." I reply my voice laced with sarcasm. He picks up on it and chuckles lightly. "It's cold out here." I say standing up and pushing the door open. I lightly bump into his shoulder before going to join Phil by the fire. I look back over at Devon to see him shaking his head at me.


"Philllllllll Im bored!" I whine throwing my head over the edge of he chair I was sitting in, the wrong way might I add. My feet were on the back while my head was over the edge my legs should've been. I could tell I was pissing Devon off with my childish act. I gave him a small smile before looking at Phil. "There's nothing to do in this place!" I sigh. Devon comes over to me pushing my feet away from the chair, causing me to topple over. I sit up on the floor puffing a story hair out of my face scowling at him. "Rude." He shakes his head leaning against the chair I was forced to vacate. "Sorry princess, whining isn't going to get you anywhere."

"God can we please do something Phil? Something that excludes Mr. Grumpy-pants." I shoot him a look, which he reply's with an eye roll. I get an idea then, I look at Phil smiling. "Phil can you teach me to shoot bow and arrow?" I've always wanted to try it and I saw Devons extensive stash earlier. "I suppose so, but Devon would be better at helping you." I frown looking at Phil. "But he's mean." I pout. Phil shakes his head. "Be nice." He says to Devon.

"Always am, now lets go princess ill help you." He says smiling. This is gonna be a long day.

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