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Over the next few days I avoid Devon as much as possible Phil, Devons father, says he's not as terrifying as he seems. I think he's lying, besides he biased, he's Devons father he has to love him. Devons eyes are always so dark and cold and he honestly looks like he regrets Saving me. Like he wishes he left me for dead.

"I feel like he doesn't want me here" Phil looks at me and shrugs. "He's the one who saved you." He did save me but why? Why did he save me and then barely say a word to me or even acknowledge my existence. Why save me only to regret it?

"Why is his house such a mess, it's a nice house and all just so very unorganized." Phil let's out a laugh. "He doesn't take the time to organize a lot." I sign and help Phil move some of the stuff lying everywhere. Since getting better a few days ago, I've been helping Phil organize everything around the house. It's been making me not go insane from boredom.

I pick up a sword laying on the ground, and examine the blade. I mess around with it, swinging it around. "Put that down" I freeze his voice can be scary, I turn around and look at him. I look up at him as he towers over me, he was really tall. It didn't help that i was really short. "I was just messing with it."I say frowning at him. "Don't mess with things you don't know how to use." He holds out his hand expecting me to give over the sword but instead I get cocky "what makes you think I don't know how to use it." I don't, but thats besides the point. He sighs "give me the damn sword." His voice grew more demanding, I surrender the sword over to him. Not willing to see how far I could push him.

He has millions of swords lying around why should he care if I pick one or two up? I watch as he slides the sword in with all the others he has, turning away and walking back out the door. "Prick." I mumble under my breath. Phil chuckles messing up my hair before following Devon outside.

Now alone, I frown looking at the swords. "That was stupid Rose." His voice rings though my mind causing me to flinch. I knew I shouldn't have picked up the sword to begin with. I was stupid and it was reckless of me. "I'm sorry." I whisper knowing full well it would, and has never gotten me out of the punishment.

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