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Devon- Three months ago

I heard her call out for me on my way through the forest. I heard the frail voice before I saw her. She looked dead I might've thought she was dead if it weren't for the movement of each of her delayed breaths. Who would do this? Tears fell from her face, I lifted her into my arms she wasn't conscious. I brought her back home. When she woke up she was scared she even asked if she was dead. She looked at me with fear. Fear I hated seeing from her.

She was scared of me for awhile I could sense her tense up around me. It made me mad, I saved her why would I hurt her. The first night I heard her screaming it scared me, she was trashing around yelling for Clayton. I ignored it then, I didn't want to be involved.

What did Clayton do to her? Even then she would smile but she was broken. Her eyes always held fear behind her smile. I loved seeing her smile, the real one. Not the fake one she put on. She usually never gave me a genuine smile it was always to Phil. Phil was kind to her when I gave her coldness. Phil once told me I was to cold, I thought nothing of it. I don't like to be bothered, I told him. I prefer to be left alone, no one gets a chance to betray you if you don't let them in.

I taught her to shoot a bow, it was the first time she started to ease up around me. I laughed when she couldn't hit a single shot. She couldn't defend herself at all then. I took her to Darkburg with me that day, it might've been a mistake but she liked Darkburg it was new and beautiful to her. I could see it in the way her eyes lit up with excitement, those beautiful emerald eyes.

It confused me watching how Ryan and Tobin looked at her, they knew her but she didn't have a clue who they were. They actually thought I did it to her. They watched as she fled to my side when they tried to go to her they looked at me with confusion and anger.

When she saw Clayton her smile washed away. The excitement gone replaced with panic and fear. She knew him, he did something to her. She was scared of him she was almost hiding behind me when he talked to her. I could see it in her eyes screaming for me to save her, "don't let him take me away." They said "don't let him hurt me again." I didn't, not then.

I found her asleep outside on my steps her body was freezing I gently laid her by the fire that morning she admitted to being scared of me. I didn't want her to be scared of me anymore. I didn't want to be the next face of her nightmares. I taught her to sword fight that same day she wasn't bad, she was actually decent at that at least.

The next morning I found her asleep in the chair with my cape draped around her body. She hasn't slept peacefully in awhile. I laughed to myself. She couldn't find peace with me, id only hurt her. I didn't didnt want to hurt her.

Clayton wanted to destroy Darkburg I shouldn't have teamed up with him it wasn't my best choice but I wanted it gone, I wanted it destroyed nonexistent wiped off the freaking map. So I agreed to help him. I went back and found out she went out for a walk she was gone for awhile, Phil had told me. That scared me I went out to find her with Phil I looked for so long but I heard her scream. God i never wanted to hear that scream ever again.

I ran for her she didn't have a weapon with her she must've had a death wish to go out alone with no weapon in the dark. I saved her that night again. She was freezing and scared but I brought her back safe and sound. I told her about the rules I shouldn't have, she completely shut down on me when I said that. Her mind was elsewhere she was terrified I reached out for her, I held her close to me calmed her down.

I would've stayed with her but I couldn't leave Phil out there I had to go get him back when we came back she was asleep on the chairs again. I gently lifted her into my arms and brought her back to her room. That next day I had to go and destroy Darkburg I begged her to stay where she'd be safe. She didn't listen to me I saw her there she had been fighting Clayton but now she was running from him she yelled for me right before she passed out into the ground.

I saved her then too from Clayton. I was mad at her for what she did she disregarded everything I told her. She was mad at me too she was completely right I shouldn't have done it. I just wanted to see Darkburg gone forever. It was selfish of me. She fell to the ground sobbing, it was because of me. I wish it wasn't because of me. I just watched her, watched Ryan go to her he was the one to calm her down not me. I hated it that he could help her and I couldn't.

She wouldn't speak to me after that she only hung out with Ryan and Phil I thought things where getting better when she begged me to stay with her when I pulled her from her screaming nightmares. That morning she decided to leave to go to Tobin and Thomas I hated it that she just left without saying a word to anyone. What if Clayton was there to meet her. She was already hurt I didn't want her hurt anymore.

I got mad at her and she was mad at me so she left she stayed with Ryan then. Just when i thought things got better, I watched her walk away again. The next day I needed to cool off and it was warm outside so I tore a dummy to shreds she was watching me I could feel her soft emerald eyes on me the entire time.

I caught her trying to take a sword and a dummy for herself I warned her not to she would hurt herself, I was right and she gave up. She was still mad at me. I couldn't find myself to tell her she had every right to be. I thought I fixed it when I saw her in the house I took her into my arms and calmed her down like I used to she was shaking. She said she was sorry, I should've said the same. Why didn't I say the same.

Clayton wanted to call in his favor awhile after I couldn't do anything about it. He wanted me to bring her to him I was mad and upset but I had to agree. He had to much power and I couldn't stop it. I met with Phil and Ryan after that we tried to fix it we tried to find a way out. She was so confused. So lost, and hurt.

I brought her to that damm mountain knowing I could do nothing she was so happy, to be out for a moment I let myself believe I made her happy I saved her. Only for a moment, because in the end I couldn't save her I could only break her. I'll always be the villain in the story never the hero. I could save her so many times over but in the end I only brought her to her nightmares and broke her all over again.

I broke the only person I could love, the only one who could love me.

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