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"I'm your only friend Rose, and you know it." I nod staring at his face as he hovers over top of me, smiling. "Then why do you keep trying to escape me?" His green eyes bore into mine, as I shake my head. "I'm sorry I shouldn't have, I didn't mean it honestly I just wanted to see-" my words rush out. "See what!? They LEFT YOU they EXILED YOU they're not your friends they don't care about you Rose. Only I do no one has come for you except me! Only me!" I shake my head. "I know! You're right!, I'm sorry." He gives me his sadistic smile. "That's right Rose, I'm right. Im always right."

I gasp my heart feels like it's about to jump out of my chest I look around me it all seemed too real. Tears run down my face, i quickly wipe them away with the sleeve of my shirt. I can hear footsteps outside my room I decide to go see who it was. I swing my legs over the bed and and step walk over to my door. When I go out to the main room, both Phil and Devon are there sitting by the fire.

"Good morning Rose!" Phil calls I give him a soft smile. "What are you guys up to this morning?" For the first time this morning Devon looks at me. He frowns noticing my lack of sleep. "You and I are going on a little trip." He says calmly, of course I already knew this. "Where?" That I didn't know.

"Place called Darkburg. The people there have my stuff and I want it back." He smiles to himself. "You should get ready." I frown before turning and walking back into my room to get ready. Darkburg? Where even was that?


"My feet hurt." I whine following Devon though the forest. "How much longer?" Devon blatantly ignores me, making the truck up a hill and stopping staring at the expansive land. Darkburg, I stare at the land everything seems new but familiar at the same time, I can't wrap my head around it. I stare in awe at the beautiful land, I've never seen something like this before.

"Come on this way" Devon grumbles taking off down a path, I follow closely behind taking everything in. Why is this so familiar to me? I've never seen this place in my life or heard of it. But I've felt it I know deep down I know this place somehow, but how?

Devon stops at the end of the path and top of a stair case that leads down and opens up to a huge village, it's beautiful. "Theres my guy." He says mostly to himself but I look anyway and see a tall man his hair is black and his grey there's almost a scary look look to him as he stares up at us. No at me, his gaze is pinned directly on me.

Devon starts to descend the stair case down to the man. I follow slowly trying to hide myself behind Devon. The man looks almost shocked not taking his eyes away from me. "Rose." He calls to me. I jump when he says my name. "How do you know my name?" I'm practically cowering behind Devon.

"What did you do to her?" The man asks taking his eyes away from me to scowl at Devon. Devon looks down at me confused. "Where is Tobin?" Is all he asks, ignoring the mans question entirely and whipping the confusion from his face. The seems to snap out of whatever daze he was in and looks at Devon.

"Why should I tell you?" He snaps. "I've come for my stuff, I heard you and Tobin have it." The man looks over Devon asses him, and then his eyes meet mine again, he sighs and then turns and runs off.


"What is the meaning of this?" The little blond boy asks he hasn't noticed me yet, hiding behind Devon. But the boy still doesn't seem happy he turns to the tall man who slowly points to me and the small boys green eyes meet mine, they go wide with shock. "Rose!?" The boy looks like he might run up to me and hug me. I shrink even more behind Devon

"Give me my stuff back." Devon says completely ignoring that interaction. If he's even a little confused he doesn't let it on, more worried about his stuff.

Tobin frowns "let Rose go and we'll bring you your stuff." Devon smirks and nods in agreement. "Sure, just bring me my stuff." I start to panic is, is he gonna make me go with them? I don't even know them, I don't want to go with them, Im not being held hostage there's no reason for this negotiation. The panic starts to dig in, my eyes wide as I hug myself tightly.

The two boys scurry off to find Devons stuff and Devon turns to me noticing the panic in my eyes. "You don't have to go with them if you don't want to, but just know you are free to go anywhere." I shake my head. "I don't even know them but they act like where best friends, I don't understand what's happening but I definitely don't want to go with them."

Devon nods and puts his focus back on the two boys running our way hands full of his things. Devon smiles as they dump the things into his arms. "Now free her." Tobin says pointing at me. Devon waves his hands and starts down the path again, the two boys launch towards me I step out of the way in a panic. I turn to follow Devon looking at the two boys confused faces. "I don't know who you are, I'm sorry." The two look confused and shocked as I run to catch up to Devon, before they trap me here.

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