Chap. 23: Hell on Earth

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December 21, 2015

Today is my anniversary with Brandon, in a few days it's Christmas, Thanksgiving just passed, and I'm still in this damn jail! These people are solid and sure that I killed Kayla, but I promise to God I didn't. Brandon is doing his best to find out who really did it, but nothing has came up yet. Im glad he's doing all he can, but I'm really trying to get out of here. He visits often but doesn't take the twins since I'm on Rikers Island, probably the worst jail in New York State. This whole experience has messed up my life: I got kicked out of Hunter, I can't see my two precious babies, and the people in here are the absolute worst. They're always trying to touch me and flirt and it is so disgusting. I'm always around a guard so nothing will happen, and thank God my cell mate isn't a nasty psycho. She's actually pretty nice, even though we're both in here for first degree murder. She killed her mother's boyfriend, which she proudly admits. It scares me sometimes, but I just try not to get on her bad side and end up like him.

Gia calls a few times a week and gives me the positivity I need, she's been so much better without Chresanto. I love him and he's my bro, but he's an asshole. Christian calls too, only sometimes since he's so focused on football and college. My mother is on my side, for once in her life, and my father of course is by my side. And even though all these people are here to support me, it doesn't matter since they're in the real outside world and I'm in hell on earth.

I closed my journal and put it on my shelf. I looked at the pictures I have of the twins and smiled, touching them. They are my pride and joy and I can't even be with them. This murder thing is ruining my life, and what gets to me most is that Kayla is dead, and she's still making my life horrible.

I looked at the clock and saw that it was 2:57 p.m., almost time for Brandon's visit. I got up and went over to the mirror fixing my hair, I checked my teeth making sure I had nothing in it, and smoothed out my eyebrows making sure they were on fleek. I'm in jail, yes, but I gotta keep it cute regardless.

I left the cell and had to walk by Natalie, this Dominican dyke from Dyckman (neighborhood in Manhattan). "Que lo que Niyah, when you gonna stop playing and gimme some of that ass mami."

I looked at her in disgust and kept walking, "Never, stop talking to me."

She started walking with me and grabbed my waist pulling me back. "You gonna stop disrespecting me like that, verdad mami?"

"Stop calling me mami, and stop speaking Spanglish too."

I started walking again and she followed, starting to annoy me. "You going to see that maricon that always visits?"

"The love of my life? Yeah I am, and don't call him out of his name." I went up to the visiting center and saw that Brandon already signed in, I smiled and signed my name next to him walking up to the door.

"Aight imma catch you later mami, you looking good too but that's nothing new."

"Mhm." I rolled my eyes at her corniness and walked through the door going up to Brandon. "Hello sir." He looked up and smiled standing and hugging me tightly. I could do this all day but the guard screamed and said it was enough, I swear he's always on me.

I sat across from him and he took my hand looking into my eyes. I smiled and looked down feeling tears come to my eyes. "Niyah don't cry."

I wiped my tears and looked at Brandon shaking my head. "You don't get it B, this is the worst thing I've ever been through. And I can't get out of it."

"Actually..." He paused and pulled out a paper with notes on it. "This girl in my history class been helping me find out who did it. And I think we found out who." I smiled and covered my mouth, I swear I felt like screaming.

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