Ch. 16

154 7 3

December 7, 2014

quick side note: they're in NYC now, not LA.

I turned around waiting for him to say something. But he didn't, he shook his head and started walking towards his car. "Never mind, I'll see you later."

"No, say what you was gonna say." I said grabbing his arm.

"Nah it really don't matter. I'm just gonna say some shit and it's gonna mess a lot up." Prod started walking towards his car again, I spoke up.

"How bout I tell you a secret?" I looked at Prod and he stopped turning around. I took a deep breath shifting my weight on one leg. "I'm pregnant."

Prod raised his eyebrow. "What?"

"I know, you can't believe that this could happen to Niyah, she's the innocent one." I sighed. "I don't want you to think I'm some kinda thot who goes giving it up to any and everybody, it was my first time and, Ion know, shit happens."

I heard someone clear their throat and I turned around seeing Gia. Shit. She was grinning as she came closer to me and Prod. "Wow Niyah, you got yourself pregnant at the age of 17. Seems like you have a lil issue don't you."

"Gia. I'm different from you. I'm a month away from graduating. I have a supportive boyfriend, a job, and--"

"You have a fuckin' baby at the age of 17, Niyah. You act like this shit is okay!"

"Well I'm not gonna treat my baby like it's a tragedy!"

"A baby now when your life's going so 'good' is nothing but a tragedy! Why didn't you tell me?"

"Would you even care? You're only throwing it in my face, not being supportive of your own sister."

"Why be supportive when you don't even act like my sister anymore?"

"This is exactly why I wasn't even going to tell you. You make everything about you! It's not about you Gia! For once, it's not about you!" I started walking away, towards Prods car this time. I got in the front seat slamming the door and putting my seatbelt on.

"Aye, don't take your anger out on my car." He said and got in, turning on the radio.

"I'm sorry." I said laughing and playing with my fingers. Maybe this is why everyone loves Prod so much, always lightening the situation. That's when it hit me, the only reason this happened was because we were exchanging secrets; what was his?

I turned down the music slightly and turned to Prod. "What was your secret?"

"Oh it really doesn't matter. My secret had nothing on yours."

I shrugged and left it alone, even though I really wanted to know. I told him Brandon's address and he plugged it in his GPS, driving there. Hopefully Gia goes to my parents' house, because she's not welcome to Brandon's right now, at all.

When we got to Brandon's house I said bye to Prod and he thanked me for helping him with the interview. Walked to the front door and waved as he pulled off, probably going to his hotel downtown. I opened the door and took off my heels, which were hurting my feet so much, and hung my jacket in the closet.

While going upstairs I noticed a group of people in the living room and turned around to see my mother and father with Anabella and Michael. I looked at Brandon with Courtney in his lap and sat down next to him.

"Uh, hi." I said and looked around. My mother looked pissed off and my dad was the only one smiling at me.

"Aight so we needa talk about this baby and what we're gonna do." Brandon said and took my hand.

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