Ch. 14: It's Way Darker Now Pt. 2

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September 13, 2014 - 11:34 p.m.

"Chres, what the hell are you doing here?"

"I was in New York so I came to say wassup to my baby girl." He licked his lips and smiled knowing exactly what he was doing. He does that all the time to make me get over whatever I'm upset about, he knows that shit is sexy.


He smirked shaking his head and looked behind me. "Can I come in?"

I opened the door wider and he walked in looking around. "What do you want?" I said closing the door and facing him.

He walked closer to me and bit his lip wrapping his arms around my waist. "I want you, Gia. I really didn't do shit with Mya, no kissing, not even cuddling, we didn't have sex, none of that."

"You didn't? Then why were you in bed with her? Do you think I'm fucking stupid?"

"No Gia, do you think I'm stupid? You the best thing that ever happened to me, we have our ups and downs yeah, but I'm always gonna be in love with you. She came in my room and tried to kiss me, her lips ain't even touch mine. C'mon Gia, you know we have too much history to let us go over something dumb."

Just as Chres was finishing his little speech my phone rang, I looked down and saw it was Niyah. We're on better terms, but I have to take care of this with Chres right now. I declined the call and looked up at Chres, he smiled and grabbed my face so I could be a few centimeters away from his. "I'm in love with you Giavanni Hernandez."

I smiled and blushed looking down. He knows exactly how to make me feel better about anything. I hugged him, smelling his cologne. I love how he smells, I love everything about this boy, and as much as I try to deny it, I always will.

"Chres, you're my first love... And I think--"

"Gia!!!!" I heard Niyah screaming from the front of my house. I almost ignored it, but that scream was scary, she needs help. I ran out to see 4 girls punching, kicking, and stomping on her as she struggled to fight back on the ground. Niyah can be annoying, but that's my sister and no one has the right to fuck with her.

"Get off of her!" I screamed and pushed the main girl punching and pulling her hair. I got on top of her, punching her in the face and slamming her head onto the concrete ground. I was so mad, I didn't care if I killed the girl at this point.

I got off of her, her eyes started closing and started losing consciousness... I don't need a murder charge on my hands. Some other girl tried to fight Chres, and I grabbed her by her hair slamming her head to the floor.

"Damnnnn babe, I didn't know you had that in you."

"If you mess with my blood things like this happen." I looked down at my bruised and bloody knuckles and shook my hand trying to help the pain wear off.

Niyah was fighting two girls and doing a pretty good job at it on her own, & then a car pulled up.

Everything stopped and everyone looked as Brandon got out. The one girl I fucked up pretty badly walked up to him crying, "Look what they did to me Brandon." He moved her out of the way and walked over to Niyah looking at her face, which was pretty messed up, cuts and scratches all over her face, busted & swollen lip, bloody nose and mouth.

"Gia, dondé es-- ay dio mi hija, tu cara!" My father walked over to Niyah inspecting her face as she flinched from him touching her jaw.

My mother came out after my father looking at Niyah's face, with anger and vengeance in her eyes. "Who in the blue hell did this to my daughter?" All of the girls raised their hands with satisfied looks. "Of course, ugly bitches! Get your ghetto hoodrat asses away from my damn house! Before I beat all of your asses!"

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