Ch. 7: Sick of Playing Hard

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December 21, 2013; 7:53 p.m.


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I'm so glad I get a break from school! I haven't been able to write in this, go to work, etc. Speaking of work I'm surprised they didn't fire me, I've missed more than a month of work and I'm still there. I think they understand that I didn't beat my own ass nearly to death.

Besides that I'm happy..with myself, with my life, and especially the people I've been keeping around. Studying actually paid off, I mean with a little help from Brandon I've managed to get my average up to 85 and pass all of my classes. I'm sure him coming into my life has changed everything, in a positive way.

The only thing is... Tre.

He's my bestfriend and we've been bestfriends since kindergarten and now he's a straight asshole! And not the "lol jokey joke" kind, he's been cutting me off for his girlfriend, and I've even heard him talking about me with her. I mean, what kind of friend is that? A fucked up one if you ask me.

My phone started to vibrate so I closed my journal putting it under my pillow, and reached over looking at my phone. I smiled when I read "Brandon 😍" across the screen and answered it. "Wassup B-Money?"

"Come over." I rolled my eyes and rolled over groaning. I was too tired and comfortable to get dressed and go to his house.

"I'm tired Brandon, I'll come tomorrow." I heard him suck his teeth and sigh, "Well can I go to your crib?"

I cannot with him, why is he trying to see me so bad? "Fine, but bring Courtney you're not leaving her alone."

"Why would you even say that? The best brother in the world would never do that. " I sucked my teeth, he was too full of himself, always stroking his ego.

"Whatever just call me when you're downstairs." I hung up and went around the house straightening it up a bit. It wasn't much because no one is ever home but me, and as usual Gia was gone.

Ten minutes later there was a knock at the door. I opened it knowing it was Brandon and smiled when I saw Courtney in his arms.

"What a big baby!" She laughed and reached out for me and I swung her around in circles a few times and then put her down. "I missed you boo!"

"I missed you too, why didn't you pick me up from school?" I cursed under my breath and put my hand over my mouth. I was so excited to get out of school I just came straight home forgetting about picking up Courtney.

"I'm sorry Court, I forgot after we got out of school. I'll make it up to you." I took her hand and started walking upstairs until Brandon cleared his throat. I turned around and blinked a few times. "Yes?"

"How you just go to her and ignore me like that?" I sucked my teeth and kept walking upstairs and heard him following us. I opened the door to my room and Courtney walked in looking around shaking her head.

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