Ch. 13: Its Way Darker Now

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September 11, 2014

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September 11, 2014

I've been in this stupid ass jail for the past five months since they arrested me. This whole thing is stupid, assault for someone who threatened me? Sounds like self-defense to me.

Thank god I'm in MB 'cause I get special treatment here. I'm in my own cell, take showers on my own time, and I eat food that doesn't taste like shit. Today is finally my release date and damn I can't wait.

"Chresanto August?"

"Yeah?" I looked up at a guard with a key in his hand. He started opening the cell gate and held it open.

"First off, it's yes sir. I don't give a damn about your lil boy group, you respect me. And you're free to go." He took me to this area where I had to sign some papers to leave then to a waiting area. He gave me a different set of clothes that I probably was brought here by.. I don't even know who.

"Who brought these here?" I asked putting on a pair of army cargo shorts.

He pointed over towards the door and I saw Mya standing there talking to Ray.

"Can I leave now?" I asked putting on a Crooks 'N Castles tank and Concord 11's. The guard gave me all of my other things.

"Yes, you may leave." I stood up and walked over to Ray and Mya, Mya smiled at me and Ray just stared.

I looked back and forth between the both of them. "Y'all know we not cool at all right?"

"We've been bros for a while, I didn't have to tell Gia and I'm sorry. But you hit me and ruined the hotels property, that wasn't on me."

"You called the police fuck you mean it's not on you?!"

"No I didn't the hotel did! Stop blaming me shit really not my fault!"

"Whatever you still did some really foul shit at the end of the day, and why you here?" I asked Mya looking at Mya, the disgust couldn't leave my face.

She looked up and gave a half smile, "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have been with Ray. You're important to me, and I don't want to lose you. The followers and fame don't mean anything to me, you do."

"Aight well imma see y'all around."

Mya wrapped her arms around me squeezing me tightly and whispered in my ear, "I missed you." I didn't say anything, I didn't do anything, I couldn't. She was just with someone who is supposed to be my best friend then she's acting like nothing happened, like I wasn't in jail for almost half a year.

I looked at Ray and he pressed his lips together looking away and pointed towards the door, "Y'all wanna go?"

"Yeah." I said and moved Mya's arms from around me. I walked out and saw my car parked out, I smiled at it and felt my pockets for my keys, took them out and unlocked the car.

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