Chapter 46: FaceTime

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Ally: *Goes upstairs into her room, closes the door, sits on her bed, opens her MacBook, FaceTime's Austin*

(With Austin)

Austin: *Hears ringing coming from his MacBook, sees a FaceTime from Ally*Answers it**Smiles* Ally

Ally: *Smiles* Hey Austin

Austin: How are you doing

Ally: *Looks down**Sighs* I'm okay

Austin: What's wrong

Ally: I just miss you

Austin: Me too, more than anything

Ally: So I saw your concert on TV

Austin: *Smiles* Really, the most recent one

Ally: Yea, it was really sweet

Austin: It all came from my heart

Ally: *Smiles* So Austin, can I ask you something

Austin: *Nods* Of course, anything

Ally: So-

Kira: *Sits next to Austin* Austin, we're going to order dinner, what do you want

Ally: *Sees Kira*

Austin: Just a cheeseburger and fries

Kira: *Smiles* Okay *Sees Ally on FaceTime**Smiles* Hey Ally

Ally: Hi

Kira: *Walks away*

Austin: So what did you want to ask me

Ally: *Mad* Why is she with you

Austin: *Confused* What do you mean

Ally: Why is Kira here with you

Austin: Well you I was upset when you wern't coming and Jimmy is her dad and I need some to hang out with, so yea

Ally: I can't believe this

Austin: Ally, it's not a big deal

Ally: *Angry* Yea it is

Austin: How so?

Ally: Don't you remember, she's the one who broke us up the first time and she likes you

Austin: First of all, she didn't know we were dating and second of all, she knows I don't like her, she's mostly here for her dad

Ally: Doesn't matter

Austin: Ally, yes it does

Ally: *Tears come down her cheeks*

Austin: *Feels bad* Ally please don't cry, I'm sorry

Ally: *Cries* Austin, it hurts, I love you and I can't stand the feeling that we're apart

Austin: I know, I love you too, more than anything, but you didn't come with me, Ally we could of been so happy together, if you came

Ally: I just, couldn't

Austin: I know *Sad* What did you want to ask me

Ally: *Shakes her head* Nothing

Austin: Please tell me

Ally: It's fine 

Austin: Ally come on

Ally: Fine I will

Austin: *Nods* Okay

Ally: You know, how we did it for the first time, the night before you left

Austin: *Nods* Yea

Ally: What if I was pregnant

Austin: *Shocked, smiles* You're pregnant 

Ally: No Austin, I'm not, I'm say what if I was

Austin: If you were, I would be so happy because I could leave this stupid tour, come back home to you and we can move in together and we happy and have a family together and later get married

Ally: That's so sweet

Austin: And I'll always be there for you ever single second, but I would feel guilty

Ally: *Confsued* Why guilty

Austin: Because I would feel bad to make you go throuh that

Ally: I won't mind, even if I'm not ready for that

Austin: Ally, I want to come back

Ally: I want you to do that too, but you can't let down all those fans

Austin: I know, I love you

Ally: I love you too

Austin: I gotta go, I'll talk to you real soon, I promise 

Ally: Okay, bye *Hang up*

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