Chapter 55: Are you Okay?

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Trish: What have you been up to?

Ally: Nothing really, just here, thinking

Trish: For how long

Ally: About 3 hours

Trish: *Shocked* You've been here alone for 3 hours just thinking 

Ally: *Nods* Yea pretty much

Trish: Are you okay?

Ally: What do you mean

Trish: Well I know something happened between you and Elliot today

Ally: *Looks at her* Why would you say that

Trish: Because you and Elliot were both in the practice room and you can down mad and left and then he came down upset

Ally: Well it's nothing *Lies*

Trish: Ally you're my best friend, I know when you're lying

Ally: Okay something did happen, whatever

Trish: You can tell me, whatever it is I'll help you get through it and I'll always be here for you and be on your side, we tell each other everything

Ally: *Nods* I know, I just can't take about it

Trish: I think you should, it might make you feel better and you know you can trust me to keep it between us

Ally: You're right

Trish: *Looks at her*

Ally: I don't know what I was thinking to start dating Elliot

Trish: What do you mean, did he do something

Ally: *Nods* Yea he did

Trish: *Confused* What is it? What did he do?

Ally: *Looks down*

Trish: Is it take bad

Ally: He tried to force me into having sex with him

Trish: *Shocked, mad, stands up* I'm going to kill him

Ally: No Trish you can't say anything, please if you're my friend you won't say anything, promise you won't say anything to anyone

Trish: *Sighs* Fine *Sits back down* I promise, but I think you should break up with him

Ally: I know, but I'm thinking I'll give him another chance 

Trish: Okay that's you're choice, but do you want to get back with Austin when he comes back

Ally: *Looks at her, sad* Yea, but he's with Kira

Trish: He likes Kira but he loves you

Ally: Why does everyone keep saying that

Trish: Because it's true

Ally: *Nods* I'm going to head home

Trish: Me too

Ally, Trish: *Goes downstairs, leaves*

(On the tour bus)

Austin: *Laying in his bunk**Looking a picture of him & Ally on his phone*Whispers* I miss you, I miss us, things will go back to the way they were, I promise, I love you *Tears rolls down his cheeks*

Kira: *Siting on the couch with her dad, watching TV*

Jimmy: So how are you and Austin

Kira: Good but we're breaking up soon

Jimmy: *Confused* What 

Kira: The plan was to date for 4 months, until we got back, because he loves Ally, he said he didn't want to start dating since he didn't want to break my heart but I said I didn't care

Jimmy: Kira that is foolish of you

Kira: I know but I wanted to be in a real relationship with him one time even if it only will last 4 months, 2 months left, I don't care

Jimmy: Well that was your choice

Kira: I know it was and I'm glad this is the choice I made

Jimmy: Okay Kira

(At Bay & Ally's house)

Ally: *Upstairs, in the bathroom**Sitting on the floor**Crying* Why...why can't I be with Austin *Finds a blade, cuts her wrist with it**Crying even more* I can't take this anymore, mom why did you have to die, why do I have to be suffering 

-2 hours later-

Ally: *Has dried eyes, tear stains, bloody wrists**Stands up, puts the blade away**Walks out of the bathroom, walks in her room*

Bay: *Knocks on Ally's door* Ally

Ally: I'm going to bed

Bay: Without dinner

Ally: Yup

Bay: Ally you have too eat

Ally: I'm not hungry 

Bay: I don't care, you're eating

Ally: No I'm not, stop

Bay: *Sighs* Fine, see you in the morning *Walks away*

Ally: *Gets in bed, cries herself to sleep*

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