Chapter 1: Meeting the Characters

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Austin Moon's P.O.V: Hi the names Austin, Austin Moon. I am an internet sensation and I love to sing and I can play any instument, you name it. I am 18 and live with my brother 22 year old brother (Riker). We have our on place and we throw A LOT of parties. My best friend's name is Dez, Dez Worthy. He's really weird but in a good way and he is an awesome director, he directs all my music vidoes. We've been friends since kindergarthen and he's really fun to hang out with. I absolutly LOVE pancakes, there my favorite food of all time. Now let me tell you about someone I can't stand  and who I hate so much, her name is Ally, Ally Dawson and she is truly my enemy. Ever since we met which was freshman year of high school, we hated each other. She is suck a dork and she is so BORING and I only hang out with her because she is my songwriter and she hangs with my friends. I love to prank her and get her mad, it's so funny. She is the total opposite of me, I like pancakes and she likes pickles and I like having fun and she likes to read books. The only thing we actually have in common is that we love music and she writes really good songs, I have to admit. That's the only thing good about her, other than that she is worthless. Also her best friend (Trish De la rosa) is my manger and that's another reason I hang around her. Well that's it, bye END OF P.O.V

Ally Dawson's P.O.V: Hi my name is Ally, Ally Dawson. I love to write songs and make music, it's really fun. I am 18 and I live with my 21 year old sister (Bay). She is a lot different from me, but she is an amazing artist. I got the music talent and she has the artistic talent. Bay and I have our own place together, we moved into our house after our mom died in a car accident when I was 14. Our dad use to abuse us, but after our mother died he stop and he asked for our forgiveness, Bay forgived him and I didn't I'm still mad at him for hurting us like that. Anyways, my best friend's name is Trish, Trish De la rosa. She is loud and always says what she feels and is lazy and never can keep a job. We have been best friends since kindergarthen. Let me tell you about someone I really can't stand and I call him my enemy. His name is Austin Moon and he pretty much the opposite of me. I am his song writer, I know what your think why are you his song writer if he's my enemy, to tell you the truth the only reason is because my friends are friends with him and there always hanging out with him. He says i'm an amazing song writer and he asked me to be his partner, wait no he begged me to be his parner and I said yes, but it's hard to work with him. Sometime he is just to hard to handle. Well that's it, bye END OF P.O.V

Trish De la rosa's P.O.V: Hi my name is Trish, Trish De la rosa. I am 18 years old and I live with 14 year old brother (Rico De la rosa). We have our own house in Miami, our parents live in L.A and we only see them once a year on Christmas, but it's fine. My best friend's name is Ally, Ally Dawson and she as an amzing songwriter and an awesome BFF. She is always there for me and I will always be there for her. We've been best friends since kindergarthen. Her enemy is Austin Moon and they are partners and that's really stupid. I really don't know why they hate each other, they really should become friends, I think then eventually will ( I hope). Well, bye END OF P.O.V

Dez Worthy's P.O.V: Hello my name is Dez, Dez Worthy. My dream is to be a famous director. I do direct my best friend, Austin's music videos and everyone seems to like them, so maybe I will become a famous directer one day. Anyways, i'm 18 and I live with my 16 year old sister (Deedi). We have our own place and it's pretty cool, just me and Deedi. So my best friend Austin has an enemy and that's Ally Dawson and there partners in music. I don't understand why they are enemies, no one does. I think one day they will be come friends, everyone thinks they should, but who knows. Anyways that's it, later END OF P.O.V

Ashton Mahone's P.O.V: Sup, my name's Ashton, Ashton Mahone. I'm 18 and I love my friends, they can we crazy at times but there awesome. My friend Ally is one of my best friends and I think she is the most amazing person, if only she knew that. Austin is my other best friend and he is totally chill. The only thing is that Austin & Ally are enemies and totally hate each other so much. No one knows why and it's crazy how there music partners. I just don't get it, Oh well. Anyways I love basketball, that's pretty much my life I play basketball like everyday and when i'm older I want to be on the NBA. I hope that happens, well bye. END OF P.O.V

Bay Dawson's P.O.V: Hey my name is Bay Dawson. I love doing street art and painting, it's so awesome. I'm 21 years old and I live with my sister (Ally Dawson). Our mother died in a car accident and ever since we have been really depressed and our father use to abuse us and finally said sorry for that and I decided to forgive him, Ally on the other hand, not so much. She really should it's in the past and our father is our only parent left. I can't tell her what to do, and she is enemies with Austin Moon and I don't understand why, no does. Well, later END OF P.O.V

Riker Moon's P.O.V: Sup the names Riker, Riker Moon. I'm 22 and I live with my brother (Austin Moon). We have our own place and it's pretty cool. Our parents are always on the road so we got our own place, they visit every few month. Anyways my brother is famous and that's pretty cool, he got famous from Ally Dawson, his songwriter and enemy. No one else knew why they started hating each other in the first place. They really should become friends soon, I really hope they do. I love music just like my brother and I want to become famous and be in a band with my friends, if I can. Well, peace END OF P.O.V

Dallas Centineo's P.O.V: Hey my name is Dallas. I'm 18 and I have some amazing friends. The only thing is my two best friends (Austin Moon & Ally Dawson) are always fighting because there enemies, no one knows why or even how they became enemies. Anyways besides them everyone in our group of friends get along pretty well. My friend Ashton and I both LOVE basketball we always play it together and it's really fun. We hope when where older to be in the NBA. Well, see yea END OF P.O.V

Kira Starr's P.O.V: Hi my name is Kira Starr and you may know my dad, Jimmy Starr. He is from Starr Records, it's pretty awesome. I'm 18 year old and I have an amazing life, it's pretty awesome. People always ask me what do you want to do with you life when your older and honestly i don't exactly know, I work with my dad now at Starr Records. Other than that I don't know what i want to do with my life yet. I guess I just have to wait and see, Oh well, later END OF P.O.V

Emmett Bledsoe's P.O.V: Hi my name is Emmett Bledsoe, I am 21 and I'm deaf. I would never switch my life and be hearing because being deaf is a part of me. Some people wouldn't understand but I have some deaf friends and they say the same thing. One of my best friends Daphne is also deaf, We have been friends since we where 8 year old and now where 21. I also have this friend named Bay and she is hearing but knows how to sign. She learned how to sign just for Daphne and I. bay and I have a lot in common we both love art, Anyways I got to go, bye. END OF P.O.V

Daphne Vasquez's P.O.V: Hi my name is Daphne, I'm deaf. When I was little I got really sick and it made me deaf, but I don't mind being deaf because I like my life like this. I have amazing friends and a great family and it's really nice to have people you love around you, it really is. Besides being deaf my life is pretty normal. Well bye END OF P.O.V

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