Chapter 29: I Promise

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(The Next Morning)

Austin: *Wakes up, looks at Ally sleeping**Smiles, Kisses her cheek*

Ally: *Wakes up**Looks at him

Austin: *Smiles* Good morning beautiful

Ally: *Smiles* I love you so much

Austin: *Smiles, kisses her*

Ally: *Kisses back*

Austin: *Pulls away* I love you more than anyone

(At Sonic Boom)

Austin: Hey Ally

Ally: Yea

Austin: Is there any other reason that you never dated before me, did I like pressure you or something 

Ally: Of course you didn't, I never felt this way about anyone but you, I had a little crush on a few guys, but that's it because with you it's way differnt because I'm in love with you *Kisses him*

Austin: *Kisses back*

Ally: *Pulls away*

(6 Months Later)

-Auslly's 1 Year Anniversary-

~At Ally & Bay's House~

Bay: So are you excited that you and Austin have been together for a year today

Ally: Yea I am

Bay: So do you know what your date will be tonight

Ally: Uhh...I don't, know but Austin said it's a big surprise

Bay: Seem like he has a special night planed for the two of you

Ally: Y-Yea

Bay: What's wrong

Ally: You know how you joke about Austin & I having sex

Bay: Oh yea, if it bothers you I won't do it anymore

Ally: No, it's just we never had sex, and I think part of his suprise is-

Bay: Well Ally if your not ready just tell him

Ally: But if he planed it, I just don't-

Bay: Got tell him now what you feel

Ally: Bay I-

Bay: I'm serious go

Ally: Fine *Leaves to Austin & Riker's House**Goes up to the door rings the doorbell*

Austin: *Opens the door**Smiles* Hey *Kisses her*

Ally: *Kisses back**Pulls away* Hey

Austin: Come in

Ally: *Walks in*

Riker: Hey guys, I'll be back *Leaves the house*

Austin: So what are you doing here, I thought I was going to pick you up tonight

Ally: You are, I just need to talk to you

Austin: Ok

Ally: What's the suprise

Austin: I don't want to tell you till tonight

Ally: Your not planing for us to do it right

Austin: Ally I wasn't planing sex if that's what you mean

Ally: Really

Austin: Yes, I wouldn't do that, until your ready

Ally: Really

Austin: Yea, because I'm not ready either, I'm a virgin too

Ally: Are you serious

Austin: Yes, I promise I won't do anything like that until your ready

Ally: *Smiles**Hugs him*

Austin: *Hugs back*

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