Chapter 8: Getting Along

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(The Next Day)

~With Ashilly~

Lilly: Ashton

Ashton: Yea

Lilly: I'm really glad where friends and get to hang out, your really cool

Ashton: Thanks and me too

Lilly: *Smiles*

Ashton: So you a few things about me, what about you?

Lilly: What do you mean?

Ashton: Like what do you like to do for fun, what should I know about you

Lilly: I love to listen to music and I like to dance

Ashton: That's cool *Smiles*

Lilly: Yea I want to be a professional dancing when I'm older

Ashton: *Smiles* I think you will as long as you follow your dreams, they will take you where you need to be

Lilly: *Smiles* That's nice but you havn't seen me dance

Ashton: Well you look like a great dancer

Lilly: Still

Ashton: Fine then show your dancing *Smiles*

Lilly: Right now?

Ashton: Yea right here, right now *Smiles*

Lilly: I don't know

Ashton: Come on, I want to see how you dance

Lilly: Maybe later

Ashton: Please for me *Does puppy dog face*

Lilly: Fine, only because I can't say no to that face

Ashton: *Smirks* Works every time 

Lilly: *Rolls her eyes* Okay, a 5, 6, 7, 8 *Starts dancing really well*

People: *Watch her*

Lilly: *Finishes dancing*

Everyone: *Claps, gives her money*

Lilly: *Takes it* Thanks

Ashton: *Shocked* Oh My God!! You can really dance

Lilly: Thanks *Smiles*

(With Auslly)

-At the park-

Auslly: *Walking around, talking*

Ally: So we both love haning out at the park

Austin: Yea, I think everyone does

Ally: Yea me too, let's go somewhere you like to go

Austin: Okay come on *Walks to his car*

Ally: *Follows* Where are we going

Austin: You'll see

Auslly: *Leaves**Arrives at the place*

Ally: The arcade

Austin: Yep, come on

Ally: Where 18 you still go to the arcade

Austin: Sometimes

Auslly: *Walks in**Starts playing games*

-2 Hours Later-

Auslly: *Walks out*

Ally: I have to admit that was pretty fun

Austin: *Smirk* I knew you would have fun, ha

Ally: Whatever

Austin: Your turn to pick a place

Ally: Yep, let's go

Auslly: *Leaves and gets to the Mall*

Austin: NO!! *Wines* Not the Mall

Ally: Haha

Auslly: *Walks in*

Austin: Let me guess I have to hold your bags while you go shopping

Ally: You guessed correctly *Smiles*

Austin: Great *Sarcastic*

Ally: *Starts shopping*

-3 Hours Later-

Austin: *Holding Ally's bags, waiting for her*

Ally: *In the dressing room, changing*

Austin: Ally are you done yet

Ally: *Comes out* Yep *Walks to the register**Pays*

Austin: Can we leave now

Ally: Yes *Smiles*

Austin: Finally

-5 Hours later-

Auslly: *Goes to Sonic Boom*

Austin: Besides the shopping that was fun today

Ally: Yea *Smiles* It was I guess where friends now

Austin: Yea, I just realized something

Ally: And what's that?

Austin: We havn't had a fight today or got mad at each other today

Ally: Oh yea, I guess we can get along and write a song now

Austin: I really liked hanging out with you today

Ally: *Smiles* Me too, let's work on the song tomorrow

Austin: Okay *Smiles*

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