Chapter 57: Why are you Dating Him?

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-3 hours later-

(At the park)

Ally: *Sitting on a bench, sad, reading a book*

Austin: *Walks up to her, taps her* Ally

Ally: *Looks up at him, closes the book* Austin *Stands up*

Austin: You could of told me you were dating someone else

Ally: Austin I was mad at you, you broke a promise, I couldn't talk to you and some people said I should move on, at first I couldn't but 2 months ago I started to give it a try

Austin: Ally I'm sorry, but you don't understand how miserable I was and still am without you, you've been with Elliot for 2 months

Ally: I'm am too and yes 2 months

Austin: Things were suppose to go back to normal

Ally: Normal...normal, how can things be normal now

Austin: We get back together

Ally: *Mad* And you cheat are Kira just like you did with me

Austin: *Shocked, mad* Are we seriously back together, she was the one who kissed me and I pulled away, she didn't know we were dating and I felt guilty about, I still do to this day and I would break up with Kira so we could be together 

Ally: You would just break up with her

Austin: When she asked if we could start dating 4 months ago, I told her I don't want to break her heart because in 4 months when we get back, which is now, I would go back to Ally and she said that was fine, but I try to tell her no

Ally: She really likes you, just stay with her and I know you like her too

Austin: Okay I like her but I love you and I don't want to loose you again *Tear eyes*

Ally: *Shocked**Sees tears in his eyes* Austin-

Austin: Just forget it, you don't feel the same way anymore *About to walk away*

Ally: *Grabs his arm* No Austin

Austin: *Turns around, looks at her, teary eyes*

Ally: *Tears in her eyes* I do love you, it took me 10 months to date someone else and I'm still not over you, we'll work this out, I promise

Austin: Okay *Smiles*

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