Chapter 59: What did he Do

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-The next day-

(At Ally & Bay's house)

Auslly: *Walks in holding hands*

Bay: *Sees them holding hands* Are you two back together *Smiles*

Auslly: *Looks at each other, smiles* Yea

Bay: *Smiles* I'm so happy for you two

Auslly: *Smiles* Thanks

Bay: I hated Elliot and you actually treat Ally right

Ally: *Smiles**Kisses Austin*

Austin: *Kisses back*

Ally: *Pulls away* We'll be upstairs 

Bay: *Gives her a look*

Ally: Bay don't say it, we're not going to do anything

Bay: We'll you did, I don't-

Ally: Bay

Bay: Alright fine

Austin: *Smiles*

Auslly: *Goes upstairs into Ally's room, sits on the bed*

Austin: Why was Elliot a bad boyfriend

Ally: Because he wasn't you

Austin: No he did something because you said to him that he was a horrible boyfriend and Bay said he wasn't good to you

Ally: Austin it's nothing, don't worry about it *Kisses his cheek*

Austin: *Sad* Why can't you tell me, why do you have to lie to me

Ally: Austin it's not a big deal

Austin: Yes it is, what did he do

Ally: *Shakes her head* I can't say

Austin: Did he hurt you

Ally: *Looks down*

Austin: *Eyes widen**Mad**Stands up* He did, I told you to always tell me if someone hurts you

Ally: I couldn't tell you

Austin: Why, how did he hurt you

Ally: Austin it's not what you think, I like don't want to talk about it

Austin: Please why can't you tell me

Ally: Because it has to do with the relationship we had

Austin: What do you mean

Ally: He tried to force me into having sex with him 3 times

Austin: *Shocked, mad* I'm going to kill him

Ally: Austin no, it's fine, please it's done with

Austin: *Mad* I can't just let him get away with what he did

Ally: Austin I said he tried to, he never did, I always stopped him before he could because you were my first and I love you and you are the only person I want to have sex with, Austin please don't do anything

Austin: *Sighs* Okay and you're the only person I want to have sex with *Kisses her head**Hugs her* I just can't believe he would do that

Ally: *Hugs back* I know

Austin: I love you *Pulls away*

Ally: I love you too *Kisses him*

Austin: *Kisses back*

Ally: *Pulls away*

Austin: Remember you can always tell me anything and I mean anything because I love you more than anyone, you are my queen

Ally: I will I promise and you are my king

Austin: Next time if anyone tries to hurt you, I will kill them

Ally: *Kisses him*

Austin: *Kisses back*

Ally: *Pulls away**Smiles at him* My love

Austin: *Kisses her forehead* 

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