Chapter 36: Ally gets Scared

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(At The Park)

Auslly: *Walking, holding hands*

Ally: So are you happy that you're parents are back and they moved back here

Austin: Of course

Ally: I'm glad

Austin: Thank you, thank you for everything you've done

Ally: Well, I wanted to make sure you had the best birthday

Austin: *Stops Walking* No not just that, everything 

Ally: *Stops, faces him*

Austin: You are the most amazing girlfriend and because of you I can actually smile and be happy again, my life was so depression before we started dating and now I can't picture my life without you and I couldn't live without you, you are reason I breathe and the reason I get up every morning, you are my everything, I love you, I'm in love with you Ally

Ally: *Teary eyes* That is the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me. I feel the same way about you, my life was hell before you and you are the only reason I have a smile on my face everyday, when I'm with you all those bad thing in my life just goes away. I love you so much and I just couldn't accept the feeling if we broke up

Austin: We won't break up, I promise

Ally: *Cries* I promise too, you have my word

Austin: And you mine *Hugs her**Kisses her head*

Ally: *Hugs back*

Austin: *Pulls away**Kisses her lips*

Ally: *Kisses back*

Austin: *Pulls away**Puts his arm around her, walks with her* I will always love you

Ally: I will always love you too

Austin: *Takes her hand*

Ally: *Holds his hand*

Austin: Tomorrow around 5:30PM do you want to go on a date to the carnival 

Ally: *Smiles* I would love too

Austin: *Smiles* So it's a date *Kisses her cheek*

Ally: *Smiles* Yea, it's a date

-At 8:00PM-

(At Riker & Austin's House)

Auslly: *Walks in*

Mark: Good everyone is here, sit down

Auslly: *Sit on the couch next to each other*

Mark: *Puts the movie in, Gives Riker a bowl of popcorn & Auslly a bowl of popcorn*

Stark: *Sits down next to each other, has a bowl of popcorn*

-20 Minutes Later-

Ally: *Gets scared, jumps*

Austin: *Sees here* Are you scared

Ally: *Scared**Nods*

Austin: *Wraps his arms around her* It's ok, I'm here

~Another scary part comes~

Ally: *Screams, hides her face in his chest*

Austin: *Kisses her head* It's just a movie

-1 Hour & A Half Later-

~Movie Ends~

Ally: *Scared* Finally it's over

Austin: *Smiles* Yea, are you okay

Ally: *Scared* I-I-I-I-I guess

Austin: Do you want to sleep over because you seem really scared

Ally: *Nods* Yea

Austin: Ok

Mark: We're going to head out, see you tomorrow

Auslly. Riker: Bye *Hugs them*

Stark: *Hugs back* Love you

Austin, Riker: Love you too

Stark: *Leaves*

Riker, Auslly: *Gets ready for bed*

Riker: Good night

Auslly: Night

Riker: *Goes into his room, gets in bed*

Auslly: *Goes into Austin's room, gets in bed*

Ally: *Still scared* 

Austin: Are you okay

Ally: No, I'm scared

Austin: It was just a movie

Ally: I know but it was scary 

Austin: Come here *Wraps his arms around her*

Ally: *Cuddles with him* I love you

Austin: I love you too *Kisses her*

Ally: *Kisses back*

Austin: *Pulls away* Don't be scared

Ally: I'm trying not too

Austin: Everything is fine, I'm here if you need me and the movie won't come true, it's ok

Ally: Ok, Thank you Austin

Austin: *Smiles* I love you Alls

Ally: *Smiles* And I love you Aus *Kisses his cheek*

Austin: *Kisses her forehead*

Ally: Good night my love

Austin: Good night my girl *Smiles* Remember if you get scared during the night, don't be afraid to wake me up

Ally: Okay, Thank you

Auslly: *Falls asleep in each others arms*

-At 2:30AM-

Ally: *Wakes up, scared**Sees Austin sleeping**Taps him* Austin...Austin

Austin: *Wakes up* Huh...Ally...W-What's wrong

Ally: I'm scared

Austin: Don't be *Kisses her cheek* I'm here for you and I always will be *Hugs her*

Ally: Thank you, I love you Aus

Austin: I love you too

Ally: I feel much better now

Austin: Good now get some sleep

Ally: I will *Kisses his cheek*

Auslly: *Falls asleep in each others arms*


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