Chapter 52: Moving On

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-2 months later-

Ally: *Walks into Sonic Boom, sees Elliot* Hey

Elliot: *Smiles* Hey Ally

Ally: So you wanted to talk to me

Elliot: Yea, sit down

Ally: *Sits down next to him on the bench*

Elliot: So, I know your still trying to get over Austin and everything, but I like you Ally and maybe you should move on from him, I really like you and I was wondering if maybe we could give it a try and date, if you don't want to I understand 

Ally: Yea, my sister is always telling me I should move on from him, but it's really hard to just forget him, but I think I'll give it a try, so I'll date you

Elliot: *Smiles* Really

Ally: *Smiles* Yea

Elliot: *Hugs her*

Ally: *Hugs back*

(With Austin & Kira on the bus)

Austin, Kira: *Sitting on the couch, watching a movie*

Austin: *Has his arm around her*

Kira: *Laying her head on him*

Jimmy: *Walks in* Hey guys, what are you watching

Austin: White Chicks

Jimmy: *Smiles* That movie is so funny

Kira: I know, it's amazing

Jimmy: It really is, well I'm going to head out for a couple of hours, see you two later

Kira: Alright bye

Austin: Bye Jimmy

Jimmy: *Leaves*

Kira: *Smiles* I'm so happy that we're dating

Austin: *Nods* Me...too

Kira: Have you talked to Ally lately 

Austin: *Sad, shakes his head* Not since I told her we ware dating

Kira: I'm sorry, I get why she's upset

Austin: I know, I broke a promise

Kira: Austin, maybe we should break up

Austin: *Confused* Why

Kira: Because I know you still love her and you guys are meant to be together 

Austin: Kira it's fine

Kira: Yea but-

Austin: No Kira, just forget it

Kira: Okay 

Austin: *Nods*

Kira: *Kisses him*

Austin: *Feels weird but kisses back*

Kira: *Pulls away*

(With Ashton at the basketball court)

Ashton: *Shooting hoops*

Dallas: *Walks in* Hey 

Ashton: *Still shooting hoops* Hey Dallas

Dallas: How long have you been here?

Ashton: About a half hour

Dallas: Cool

Ashton: But I think I'm going to go over Lilly's

Dallas: Okay, see you later tonight

Ashton: Yea, see you *Leaves, drives to Lilly's*

(At Lilly's house)

Ashton: *Walks up to the door, rings the doorbell*

Lilly: *Opens it, smiles* Hey

Ashton: *Smiles, kisses her*

Lilly: *Kisses back*

Ashton: *Pulls away*

Lilly: *Smiles* Come in

Ashton: *Walks in*

Lilly: *Closes the door*

Ashilly: *Sits on the couch*

Lilly: So what do you want to do

Ashton: Be with my girl *Smiles at her*

Lilly: *Blushes* Yea but what do you want to do

Ashton: I don't care as long as we're together *Kisses her nose**Hugs her, pulls away**Kisses her*

Lilly: *Kisses back while smiling*

Ashton: *Pulls away* I love you

Lilly: And I love you

Ashton: *Smiles*

Lilly: Do you want to go to the park

Ashton: Sure, lets go

Ashilly: *Stands up, leaves to the park*

(At the park)

Ashilly: *Walking around while holding hands*

Ashton: *Sees Ally sitting on the bench* Look, there's Ally *Points to her*

Lilly: Let go over to her

Ashilly: *Walks over to Ally, sits next to her* Hey Ally

Ally: *Smiles* Hey guys

Ashton: How are you doing

Ally: *Nods* I'm okay *Smiles*

Lilly: That's good, what do you think will happen in two weeks

Ally: I could care less, I'm dating Elliot now

Ashton: *Shocked* Since when

Ally: Few hours ago

Lilly: I'm really happy for you

Ally: *Smiles* Thanks Lilly

Lilly: *Smiles*

Ashton: But what will Austin say when he finds out

Ally: Who cares and he's dating Kira anyways

Ashton: Right he likes Kira, but he loves you

Ally: It doesn't matter he lied to me, so now I'm moving on

Ashton: You can't wait two more months

Ally: He wouldn't break up with Kira once he got back and it's too late, I'm already with Elliot

Elliot: *Walks over to them* Hey *Hugs Ally*

Ally: *Hugs back* Hi

Elliot: *Pulls away* Let go

Ally: Okay, bye guys

Ashilly: Bye Ally

Elliot, Ally: *Leaves*

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