Chapter 64: You Have to Eat

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Bay: *Walks in* Hey guys

Auslly: Hey

Bay: Ally do you want me to get you something to eat from downstairs

Ally: *Shakes her head* No thank you

Bay: Why not

Ally: I'm not hungry 

Bay: Okay

Doctor: *Walks in* Hey guys

Auslly, Bay: Hi

Doctor: Ally how are you feeling

Ally: I'm alright

Doctor: Okay, can you come with me upstairs to talk to the therapist 

Ally: *Nods*

Doctor: Follow me, we'll be back

Ally: *Stands up, nervous*

Austin: Hey, everything will be okay, all you do is have to talk and then it's over

Ally: *Nods*

Austin: *Kisses her*

Ally: *Kisses back*

Austin: *Pulls away* I love you

Ally: *Smiles* I love you too

Doctor: *Smiles*

Ally, doctor: *Walks upstairs into a therapy room*

Doctor: This is Ally

Dr. Nelson: Hi Ally, I'm Dr Nelson *Puts her hand out*

Ally: *Shakes her hand*

Doctor: You'll be fine Ally, I'll see you later *Walks out*

Dr. Nelson: *Sits down* Please sit down

Ally: *Sits down**Nervous*

Dr. Nelson: How are you feeling 

Ally: *Nods* I'm okay

Dr. Nelson: So tell me why do you want to kill yourself

Ally: *Shrugs* I don't know

Dr. Nelson: I want you to not be afraid to talk about what you're feeling, everything you tell me stays between us

Ally: *Nods*

Dr. Nelson: So why do you want to kill yourself

Ally: Because I want to end all the pain and suffering 

Dr. Nelson: What pain and suffering

Ally: My past

Dr. Nelson: What happened in you're past that made you depressed

Ally: My father abused me and my mother died when I was 14 by a drunk driver

Dr. Nelson: And ever since then had a heartache 

Ally: *Nods* Yea, my mother was my hero, the person that I could always count on and I looked up too and I couldn't handle the fact that she died and I just want to die because I want to be with her

Dr. Nelson: If your mother was still alive and she heard you say that, what do you think she would say

Ally: *Looks down* She would be heartbroken and not want me to think of killing myself

Dr. Nelson: *Nods* Right, so you shouldn't think like that

Ally: But I hate the person that I am

Dr. Nelson: And why is that

Ally: My father made me hate myself because he convinced me that there is something wrong with me because he abused me for years

Dr. Nelson: Is he still in you're life

Ally: No, he got arrested after the last time he abused me

Dr. Nelson: You should not hate yourself, you're father is gone from you're life and you should be happy that he can no longer hurt you and think of all the good things in life

Ally: I guess

Dr. Nelson: Tell me the good thing in you're life, like friends, people you care about, what you like to do for fun

Ally: Well I have amazing friends and the best older sister and an amazing boyfriend anyone could ask for, his name is Austin and I love writing songs and singing 

Dr. Nelson: Those are things to look forward too, people you love and trust and care about

Ally: *Nods* You're right

Dr. Nelson: How about twice a week, tuesdays and thursdays you come and talk to me, even if you don't have anything to say, we'll still have a talk

Ally: *Nods* Okay

Dr. Nelson, Ally: *Stands up, walks back to Ally room*

Dr. Nelson: Good talking to you, see you next week

Ally: You too *Walks in her room*

Austin: Hey babe *Hugs her*

Ally: *Smiles**Hugs back*

Austin: *Pulls away* How did it go

Ally: It was okay

Austin: *Kisses her*

Ally: *Kisses back*

Austin: *Pulls away*

Ally: *Gets into bed*

Austin: *Sits down next to her bed*

Bay: *Walks in* Hey Ally, you're back

Ally: *Nods* Yea

Bay: How was it

Ally: It was okay

Bay: *Nods* So what do you want to eat, I'll get you it from downstairs

Ally: *Shakes her head* I'm not hungry 

Bay: You've haven't eaten anything today, you have to eat

Ally: No I don't

Bay: Yes you do Ally, please eat

Ally: I don't want to

Bay: *Walks out*

Austin: You should eat

Ally: Austin please don't start

Austin: Okay

-2 hours later-

Bay: *Walks in with a plate of Chinese food, puts it on Ally's tray/table* 

Ally: I said I don't want to eat

Bay: I don't care, you're going to eat

Ally: No I'm not

Austin: *Looks at her* Ally please eat

Ally: *Looks at him* But I don't want too

Austin: Please Ally, for me

Ally: *Looks at him* Okay *Starts eating*

Austin: *Smiles**Kisses her cheek*

Ally: *Smiles at him* 

Austin: I love you so much

Ally: I love you too Austin, so much

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