Chapter 66: Can we talk

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-The next day at 4:30 pm-

(At Lilly's house)

Ashton: *Walks up to the door, rings doorbell*

Lilly: *Opens door**Smiles* Hey Ashton

Ashton: *Nervously smiles* umm...hi Lilly, can we talk

Lilly: Sure *Walks outside, closes the door, sits on the bench*

Ashton: *Sits next to her*

Lilly: So what's up?

Ashton: *Nervous* Umm...we should break up *Looks at her*

Lilly: Break up? Why?

Ashton: Don't be mad at me, but I don't like you that way anymore, only as a friend, I stopped liking you 4 months ago, I don't see a future for us, I'm so sorry Lilly

Lilly: *Smiles* I actually feel the same way

Ashton: *Confused* You do?

Lilly: Yea and I was going to break up with soon because I like someone else *Smiles*

Ashton: *Looks at her, mad, stands up**Walks to his car, gets in*

Lilly: *Smile fades* Wait Ashton

Ashton: *Drives away*

(At Sonic Boom)

Austin: *Walks in**Does see Ally* Ally? *Hears the piano playing from the practice room**Walks upstairs to the practice too, stands in the doorway, sees her playing the piano*

Ally: *Sitting at the piano, playing it**Singing**With tears in he eyes*Don't you remember

I'm your baby girl

How could you push me out of your world

Lie to your flesh and your blood

Put your hands on the ones that you swore you loved

Don't you remember

I'm your baby girl

How could you throw me right out of your world

So young when the pain had begun

Now forever afraid of being loved

Oh, father

Please, father

I'd love to leave you alone

But I can't let you go

Oh, father

Please, father

Put the bottle down

For the love of a daughter

For the love of a daughter *Stops**Cries*

Austin: *Feels bad**Walks over to her, sits at the piano next to her* Hey

Ally: *Looks at him, crying*

Austin: *Hugs her**Rubs her back* Shhh it's okay

Ally: *Crying into his chest* I missed you

Austin: *Confused* What do you mean

Ally: I didn't see you for 3 hours *Crying even more*

Austin: Ally I'm sorry, but I'm right here now *Kisses her head*

Ally: *Nods* You said you would be there when I need you, but I couldn't find you

Austin: Why didn't you call

Ally: I was too upset and I felt like I was going to pass out

Austin: You should of texted or something

Ally: Next time *Crying*

Austin: *Kisses her to calm her down*

Ally: *Kisses back, calms down*

Austin: *Pulls away* I love you, you know, right

Ally: *Nods* I love you too

Austin: *Wipes her tears*

Ally: Can you sleepover tonight

Austin: *Nods* Of course

Ally: *Smiles*

-At 8:00 pm at Ashton's house-

Lilly: *Walks up to the door**Rings doorbell*

Ashton: *Opens the door**Mad* What do you want

Lilly: *Confused* Why are you mad at me

Ashton: Because we were dating and you liked someone else and that is wrong

Lilly: But you broke up with me

Ashton: But we were still dating and you had feeling for someone else

Lilly: I guess you're right, I'm sorry

Ashton: Okay

Lilly: Can we still be friends

Ashton: Yea, goodnight

Lilly: Goodnight

Ashton: *Closes the door*

-At 1:00 am-

(At Ally & Bay's house)

Auslly: *Sitting in Ally's bed*

Ally: *Laying her head on his chest*

Austin: *Looks at her* Ally

Ally: *Looks at him*

Austin: *Kisses her*

Ally: *Kisses back*

Austin: *Pulls away*

Ally: *Smiles* I love you

Austin: I love you so much *Looks at the time* We should go to sleep, it's 1 in the morning

Ally: *Yawns* Yea I'm tired

Auslly: *Lays down**Cuddles with each other*

Austin: Goodnight love

Ally: Goodnight my love

Auslly: *Falls asleep in each others arms*

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