Chapter 67: Let's Move in Together

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-1 Month later-

(At Ally & Bay's house)

Auslly: *Sitting on the couch in the living room*

Austin: Ally

Ally: Yea

Austin: I want to talk to you about something

Ally: *Looks at him* And what is that

Austin: Do you think we should move in together

Ally: *Shocked* What

Austin: Like get a house together 

Ally: Are you serious 

Austin: Yea, I mean I've been sleeping over for the past month, so I think we should offically live together, lets move in together 

Ally: *Nods* I would love that *Kisses him*

Austin: *Kisses back*

Ally: *Pulls away*

-1 Week later Auslly buys a house and moves in & Emmett moved in with Bay-

Auslly: *In bed cuddling*

Austin: I love you

Ally: I love you too, we can finally call this our room and our bed

Austin: *Smiles* Yea

Ally: Austin can I talk to you about something

Austin: Of course

Ally: Remember the night we had sex

Austin: How could I forget

Ally: Right, well we never really talked about it

Austin: What do you mean

Ally: Like I felt like we should of talked about it

Austin: We can talk about it now

Ally: *Nods* Okay, umm...that night was one of the best nights of my life when we were doing that beside the fact that you were going to leave

Austin: Mine too

Ally: But I hated how we did it before you left and we did it like a goodbye

Austin: *Nods* Yea I know, I guess it just happen like that

Ally: Yea

Austin: Do you...maybe want to....never mind

Ally: No Austin....I think we should do it again soon

Austin: *Nods* Yea we will *Kisses her*

Ally: *Kisses back*

Austin: *Pulls away* I love you

Ally: I love you too

Austin: *Yawns* I'm tired, let's go to sleep 

Ally: Me too

Auslly: *Lays down*

Austin: *Wraps his arms around her*

Ally: *Cuddles with him* Goodnight my love

Austin: Goodnight babe, love you

Ally: Love you too

Auslly: *Falls asleep in each others arms*

-The next day-

(With Bemmett)

Bay: *Kisses him*

Emmett: *Kisses back*

Bay: *Pulls away**Signs* I love you

Emmett: *Signs* Me too *Smiles*

Bemmett: *Sits on the couch*

Bay: *Cuddles with him*

Emmett: *Wraps his arms around her*

Bay: *Smiles at her*

Emmett: *Smiles back*

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