Child. By M.E.

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I wanna be a child,
when I could rely on people without being told, “grow up, grow up.”
I wanna be small again,
when the world was big and love was everywhere.

I wanna be a child,
I wanna go back to when I could cry without reserve for no reason,
and others would only comfort me.
I wanna go back to when I was pure and I could hold hands without them pulling away.

I wanna be a child.
I hate all that I've learned.
I miss the times when
when I could smile easily, and talk without fear.
Where did those days go?

Tell me
Where did I go?
Where is the me that isn't crazy and clingy?
Where is the me that is normal?
Mundane sounds good now.

Where are my dreams?
Since when did I not know myself? 

Maybe it's a phase, they always say that about people like me. 
But what if it's not?
What if?

What if I'm destined to fail,
what if I'm fated to fall? 
Who's gonna save me? 
I don't know how, 
I need help,
no one's gonna tell me what to do, 
I love being a follower, no need to think. 

I wanna be a child, 
but I'm not old yet, 
isn't that what people older say? 
But here I am, wishing with all my heart, 
yearning for days far behind. 

I really should stop,
I should end it all,
but even then I have no courage to.
And yet, I know
there's people who love me.
People I love.

And until I find my meaning,
in this stalemate I stay.

Poetry of DeathΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα