Here. By M.E.

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You come to me and
I appreciate that.
I know you trust me.

And I know you say you're fine now,
but it worries me,
I'm scared.
If you turn out like one of many others I know,
if you start talking about death and dying and hurting,
if it hurts so much
and you stop talking.

I don't know how but I'll try,
I hope my words are enough to make you feel better.
If only I could lessen the pain.

And you tell me not to worry,
but how could I not? 
If only they knew how they make you hurt,
if only they knew how they make you cry.
Twelve years.
How could they not love you?

If you need anything,
if you want to talk,
tell me.
I don't know what I can do,
but I'll be here,
if you want me.

You're always the one telling us, 
“we're beautiful”, “we matter”, “darn what they think”,
but when you need to be reassured,
am I enough?

I don't know how much comfort I can give you,
but I hope it's enough.
Am I the only person you go to?
I'm honoured, honestly.

I'm sorry they don't care that their words hurt you,
if I could I'd beat some sense into them.
How could they not see how worthy you are of anyone's love?
How could they not understand that you care you're sometimes the cause of their conflict?
How could they not get that they always put you second?
It's their own fault if they didn't raise you the way they wanted.

I don't know if you'll see this but
if you do, if you do,
just know
even if they don't,
I think you're worth it.
And I love you.

So don't beat yourself up over this, 
don't hurt yourself thinking you're not good enough,
because you are.
In my eyes you're good enough for anything, anyone.

It's alright.

I'm here.

Poetry of DeathWhere stories live. Discover now