Be Quiet. By M.E.

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It’s nice how you just ignore me,
Even though you can hear me clearly.
You’ll pretend that I’m just listening,
And describe your detailed feelings.
It’s cool how you think I’ll care,
Though you leave me bare.
You think that I’m so meek;
You don’t listen when I speak,
And you still think I’ll give a fuck,
You’re out of goddamn luck.

Why did I wait for you to stop?
Why did I think your insolence, I could top?
My patience is running thin,
My nails will soon break my skin.

So shut up, shut up, I’ve had enough.
Stop thinking that you’re so tough.
You jabber on and on and on,
God, you’re far too gone.

You aren’t some saviour whose preachings I’ll follow,
You leave me drained and hollow.
I think I’ve had enough of this shit,
So close your mouth, you twit.

I’m going to rip your tongue out,
And from your skin, blood will sprout.
I’m going to stab you a thousand, infinity times,
You’ll pay for all your crimes.
I’m going to rip you apart and put you back together,
Have a try of forced silence, you abuser.

Die, die, die!
I love listening to you cry.
I’ll break every bone in your body,
And I won’t feel at all sorry.

Try, try,
But you’ll still die,
It hurts, does it not? I know…
Into the sea, your body I’ll throw!


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