Behind Closed Doors. By M.E.

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Behind closed doors,
tears fall.
But when you're with others,
it's all false smiles and reasurances,
everyone can tell, 
we're all hiding it. 

Deep down everyone feels the same way,
but we're all afraid to reveal it, 
to talk about it, 
because if we do, 
it's real. 

So we pretend everything is normal,
but we all know, 
nothing will ever be the same again. 
We've been coping badly for the past few years,
maybe this is where something finally breaks.

It hurts.
You're scared.
You're terrified.
We could all die any moment,
these could be our last breaths.

Should we start writing our legacies?
Should we start telling each other
what we were always too scared to say?
If it ends like this,
all these regrets will be left forever.

You're chilled to the bone,
you're choked up with tears,
but you don't let them fall.
Not when they need you to be strong.

And behind closed doors,
your tears fall.

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