Masterpiece. By M.E. Also in Descension.

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Light as sky and dark as light,

Dull as silver and bright as night,

I enchant you with strings

Of rays and moonlight that sings.

Swirls of glowing glitter and gold,

Patterns bright, beautiful and bold.

Move by guidance of my thread,

My needle pricks you without dread.

Magnificent, what a beauty to be,

You will forever be treasured by me

And by the lady you'll wrap around.

Silk and petals and pearls so round,

I sew them each and everything on,

You'll mirror no other, with the sweetest maun.

Each little sequin one by one,

And once I'm finished and all done,

You'll shine through them all, those floods of dresses,

You'll rise and be chosen, through each of those messes.

Black and white will mix to grey,

The most divine shade, as I sew away,

Violet and oceans in your waistband too.

One day glory will be brought to you,

A girl will see the beauty in each swirl,

She'll put you on and give a little twirl.

I cannot imagine the delight she will feel,

When I offer her you for just this deal.

Cold like fire is the blazing blue,

Burning like ice, and the freezing is due.

I cut the thread, careful as could be,

I put down the needle, filled with glee.

I tie the knot, now we're all ready,

For what's next to come is perfect for me.

I look at you one last time, a smile adorning my wretched face,

For while they call me the dressing ace,

I am nothing but someone whom everyone fears

And when looking in the mirror will burst into tears.

I am an existence that they all hate,

And we all know that tis' what they state:

"Look, the witch is working in there,

"Better not disturb or us, she'll tear!"

But no one ever understands how I really feel,

So I put on masks and armour of steel.

All that I wish is but one friend,

But even the kindest will give the end.

I hold up my scarred hands and up you float,

And soon there is your shiny new coat.

Ice freezing over you like the most palest stars,

Fire then erupts forming the brightest bars.

I laugh, so gaily, the only one here,

This is my life, I will be the one to steer.

You are my dress, another of them,

Just like those others, you came from the stem.

You are perfect and complete,

Unlike me, what an impressive feat.

I will hang you up for display,

With hope that you will not stay,

If someone buys you I'll be so glad,

That finally someone makes me not sad.

You are the last masterpiece,

It's time I put the house for lease.

Oh, how I have sobbed and wept,

When I saw each dept.

No one has bought a piece any year,

Me, they all steer clear.

You are my last masterpiece.

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