tired. By M.E.

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I'm tired of this, of you, 
no, not you, but how you act.
As if you are the only person suffering.
As if I don't exist. 
As if you are worthless, yet the only person that matters.
As if dying will solve any problems, as if it only affects you. 
As if the only reason we talk is for you to complain to me.

I don't understand how your mind works.
You think you shouldn't be cared for, but you demand attention.
You tell us we matter so much more than you, but you dismiss what we think.
You say you love me, but you hurt me without a care.
Everything is jumbled up.
I don't even know you anymore.

Do you have any idea how much you affect me?
You say, “If you die, I die too.”
But you don't seem to see how devastated I would be if you really ended yourself.

I don't think I'm myself anymore.
Because of you, I don't know who I am now.

I'm losing my mind, you know?
But no, you don't know. 
You never realize.

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