This is who I am. By M.E.

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Does it bother you that
when I pick up a pen
so many are sent to their doom?

Do you disapprove when I turn away
and I become someone else?

Are you uncomfortable with the things I say?

Here's some news for you.

I don't live to please you.

I can be horrible,
I can be unbearable.
I can also be wonderful.
it really depends on the day.

So if you won't accept that,
then you don't have to be here.

I'm going to hurt you,
I'm going to make you feel like you're on top of the world.

I'm going to break you,
but I'll likely put your pieces back together one by one.

Whatever I've let go of has claw marks in it,
and I know I shouldn't,
but that's who I am.

I can say the worst things,
and I can smile as blood runs.

But I can make you laugh like no one else.

I can hold an umbrella for you,
but sometimes I'll be the rain.

I can keep you safe from them all,
but sometimes it's me you need to be safe from.

I know it's difficult,
I know it's troublesome,

I know most people really don't want to get that close.

So will you be the one who
accepts me for all my faults?

Will you be the one who will stop  me when I lose control
but never holds me back?

I know I can be intolerable,
I know I can be the worst.

But this is who I am.

So if you can't take it,
I don't need you.

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