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I sat at my desk, waiting for Regie to call me. I was watching Schitt's Creek while my mind was racing through twenty million thoughts.

Is he actually going to call? He is probably just saying that. What would we even talk about? Our jobs? Why do I get wet by just thinking about him choking me?

Suddenly my show stopped, which also made my thoughts stop. The facetime ringtone came on alerting me that Regie was calling. I grabbed my phone and waited just a couple more seconds before I answered.

"Hey Regie," I smile. I'm so nervous I am definitely going to mess up, stutter, and giggle a lot. I can not let him know how nervous I am.

"Hey baby," He smiles and continues, "did you eat?"

"Yeah, uhh, I had a late lunch from In-n-Out." Fuck, I've already messed up.

"I love In-n-Out, the boys and I go all the time." He says, still smiling. He's probably thinking of all his memories with his friends.

"I wish I had it growing up, but sadly they aren't out east." I frowned comically.

"Damn, where are you from?" He asked.

"Virginia, I lived in Richmond and went to university there for a year before I moved out here." I confessed.

"What did you want to get your degree in?" He raised his eyebrows.

"Dental hygiene, I didn't want to go to school forever to be a dentist so I thought I'd be a dental hygienist. Also didn't want to give shots." I answered.

"Hey, if you were my dental hygienist I'd go all the time." He laid in bed on his back before turning to his side. "Before the whole influencer thing, I wanted to be a dentist. I think we'd make a good team," he winked. I felt little butterflies go through my stomach.

"Did you end up going to college?" I asked, while also trying to hold in my giggles.

"No, I just started getting famous then I got into North Star Boys so until I see a reason to go, I'm sticking with this." He added there were a couple moments of silence before he continued, "let's play a game."

"Like what?" I raised one eyebrow, I knew where this was going. He is going to ask some normal questions then ask how many bodies do I have.

"Hmm, let's just ask questions." He offers.

"Okay, what is your favorite color?"

"Black, what about you?"

"I like green, like dark and sage green." I commented.

"How many relationships have you been in?" He bites his lip, probably not to look sexy, but to probably bite off the dead skin.

"Oh, this is where the chat is going," I blushed, I knew where it was going when he said 'lets just ask each other questions but I still wanted to flirt with him.

"Baby, you know what I'm going to ask," he purred, "now, how many boys have you slept with?"

"Uhh, six... I went out a lot when I was in college. How about you?" I felt like he was going to shame me so I did lie. The actual number was closer to ten, but he would automatically think I was a hoe.

"About 10, so I could say I am pretty experienced. I was talking a lot in high school and since I've been in NSB that number has kind of paused, you know?" He wasn't looking into the camera, he looked like he was trying to pull his comforter up to his chest.

"I'm sure you have tons of girls in your DM's trying to make that number go up," I bit my lip to hold back a grin.

"Only one that I want is the one I'm on the phone with," Regie winks. Oh lord.

We talked for about an hour until Darren came into his room and stole his phone. It interrupted our conversation about the Philippines, and I thoroughly enjoyed talking to Regie. Learning about his life was amusing because I've never been out of the United States. All I want to do is travel the world. But here Darren is interrupting and teasing Regie.

"Bruh, give me my phone back," Regie chased after him.

"No, she's my girlfriend now!" Darren squealed, I was just watching this shit show laughing. That's until I hear a crash and now Regie is on top of Darren and humping his face.

"Give me the phone cuz," I heard right before Regie's face came back into view.

"Why are you humping him?" I say through my laughs.

"It's whatever, I do it all the time," He smiles before getting back in bed. Him and Darren are still arguing before I hear the door close. "Anyway, I'm free on Sunday so we can go do something, not like fuck but you know... get boba and food, I don't know."

"You seem nervous Reginald," I smirk.

"No no not me," he stammered.

"But yes, I'll go out with you. I guess I have to pick you up right?" I asked moving the pillow behind me.

"Yeah, I don't have a car. Manager Ty probably won't let me get one because I'd leave too much." He ranted.

"Ahh, well it seems you manage to leave without one. Okay, I have to go," I frown.

"I'll text you, have a good night."

"Good night," I smile before hanging up. This boy already has me whipped and we were only on FaceTime for about an hour and a half. I know I said I wasn't going to catch feelings but here I am - whipped. Just when I was laying in my bed clutching my phone to my chest I got a text from Elise with all the pictures. She sends them all edited to my theme, which I am so thankful for since I was bad at making my theme all fit correctly. I sent her a quick thank you and sent her money for her time and energy.

I posted the pictures of me shirtless on Instagram, and tagged my favorite photographer of course. I go to my kitchen, grab some water, and pop some popcorn. I wanted to sit down, relax, and watch some movies. I don't get time like this usually for myself, so I try to spend it by watching movies with my dog. After I get the popcorn out, I put it in the bowl, and sit down. My doberman, Katana, comes and sits, curled up next to me. I put on a movie before I hear my phone buzz from the kitchen. I groan and get up to see who it is.


You look hot in your new post (;

I smiled at my phone before I texted him back.

How would I ever compare to you?

Every picture u post is you being hot

Literally can't wait to see u on sunday

I want to kiss you so bad 



sorry im bad at duologue but hope u like it :)

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