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"Regie, your manager is here." I look back at Regie, who is just standing in the kitchen.

"Ugh, man why?" He said waddling over to the door. "I do not want to talk to him."

"You kind of have to or you are not going to have a job." I gave him a half smile. Regie opens the door about an inch.

"Regie, where have you been?" Ty asks, you can tell he was trying to keep his composure.

"Here, cuh." After Regie said that, I went to hide in my bedroom. Business between Regie and Ty was not anything I should hear about. I hoped Regie would just get a slap on the wrist and North Star Boys would just be talked to about it. I mean I do not know how his whole brand and everything works, I just listen to him complain that sometimes Darren tries to hump him. After a few minutes, I walk back into the main area of my apartment, and Regie just stands there kind of frozen.

"Are you okay?" I fretted. Regie's eyes moved to glance over to me and he gave me a half smile then pulled me into a hug. "Regie?"

"Mhm?" He hummed.

"Are you okay?" I am even more worried than I was a couple minutes ago.

"Yeah, I am sure it will all work out. He might kill me, so I am really delaying leaving you right now." He rocked us back and forth in silence for a couple seconds before leaving kisses all over my face.

"Baby, you should go then. You do not want to give Ty another reason to kill you." I leave a quick kiss on his lips before unwrapping my arms around his neck.

"I know, I know. I just like to be with you." His comment made me grin from ear to ear. Such a lovely boy.

After Regie left, I just went to lie down in my bed. I then got a text from Elliot, what does he want this time?


Hey, i am sorry for what happened earlier

You're happy and that is what matters

I decided to just ignore it, because what is there to say? Yeah I do? I mean I do not know. He was the one that left me, I do not owe him a single thing. Why have I not blocked him?

Regie's POV

I got back to the NSB house, and everyone was waiting for me in the large living room. I knew I was going to get in trouble.

"Regie, we all need to talk." Ty motions me to sit down on the couch. I sat down between Darren and Ryan. "I thought I made the rules really clear here, no girls."

"But I did not bring her over," I lied. Jessie has been over at least one time to the North Star Boy house, but Ty does not need to know that.

"Yes, but no girls - period. Does not matter if you go over to their apartment, hotel room, whatever - No girls." Tyler reinforced.

"Yeah, I think that is for the best." Oliver said, "We do not want to alienate our fans and get them to dislike one of us or hate on the girl." I felt everyone's eyes on me, and it started to feel like this was not a "we all" talk - it was a Regie talk.

"But I do not want to break up with her." I sigh.

"I do not think you have an option, unless.." Tyler trailed.

"I do not want to quit NSB!" I shot back.

"Well you have only two options then. You break up with Jessie or you're out."


I laid in bed not sure what to do. Truthfully, Jessie made me happy - but so does NSB. It is very difficult to decide anything. I felt so clouded. I did not know who to talk to. All the boys will probably say I have to leave Jessie. I also felt that the rest of the outside world would say the same.


Jessie's POV

I knew it was bad just because of Regie's reaction. I already have a terrible gut feeling about the whole thing. You know that feeling when you just know something is wrong and that feeling will not give up until you figure out what it is? I do not know. Maybe I am weird. Just as I start cooking dinner for myself, I get a call from Regie.

"Hey honey bunny, what is up?" I say after picking up the phone.

"Not good," I could just tell he was sad.

"What is wrong?" I questioned.

"I think we have to break up, I am sorry." He cries. I can hear him sniffling on the other side of the line.

"It is okay Reg. I knew that this was coming after Tyler came earlier." I spilled, but I also felt tears well up into my eyes.

"I am sorry." He said then ended the call. I slam my phone down on the counter and sit back down on the couch. My dog curls up next to me and I scratch behind her ears, not really thinking of anything else except what just happened. I let the tears fall out of my eyes and run down my face. Well that hurt more than I thought. 


Okay quick authors note - would y'all rather have shorter, more frequent updates (once a week) or longer, less frequent (2 to 3 weeks) updates? Let me know :) 

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