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I watched the tests slowly show two lines.


Well what the hell am I going to do now? I have to call Regie right away. My parents are going to kill me. Manager Ty is going to kill Regie and I. We are going to die. Maybe I read that one wrong? I grab my keys and head down to my local target. I also needed to get new sheets and just wanted to look around. I grab a cart and head towards the bedding section. On my way there, of course there is the giant baby clothes section.

Having a baby to dress nice and adorable will be cute. I stopped in my tracks just thinking of a life with Regie and this baby. WAIT stop I can not be thinking this way. Regie and I's life would be crazy and completely switch around. Boy are we fucked. But how cute. I went into the bedding section and picked the softest dark green sheets that I could find. I swung by the aisle that had all tampons, condoms, pregnancy tests, which is great marketing. I stared down the Plan B, wishing I had taken that but nope did not think about it. I thought birth control was enough. Missed one pill and ruined everything.

Oh my god. How is Regie going to react?

I bought my things and came back home. I downed a water bottle, and waited for the feeling again. I just laid on the sofa, watching tv but not really listening or watching. Just background noise. My hands laid on my stomach, interlaced. I am so scared. I do not want to tell Regie until I am absolutely sure I am pregnant. He does not need the false alarm drama. I patiently wait for the need to piss on a stick again comes, so I am back in the bathroom, doing exactly that. I wait and wait for a line or two to pop up and one line pops up.


What the hell? Another test!

– – – – – –

"Hey Regie, you wanna sneak out for dinner?" I ask on the phone with my boyfriend.

"Yeah, of course it's Saturday night... Maybe I can even stay over." I can tell he is smiling ear to ear. He gets so excited about being the little spoon.

"Okay, wanna come over then we can figure out dinner, want to do 7?"

"I'll see you then, my love." He says then ends the call.


What is this man on? It was probably just a slip.

Right at 6:58, Regie knocks on my door.

"Hey baby," He reaches his arms around my waist and captures my lips into his.

"I am so happy to see you, it has been the craziest week." I expressed.

He hummed then grabbed the back of my thighs urging me to jump into his arms.

"Regie, I am not sure yet but I think I might be pregnant." I sputtered out.

"How do you think you are pregnant? Isn't it just a yes or no?" Regie huffed.

"One test came out positive, the other two were negative. I do not know what one to believe. I am sorry Regie." I frown.

"We will figure it out and two out three seems like you're not. But, let's wait another week on it, okay?" he smiles walking into my bedroom - still holding me.

"You're not mad at me?"

"No, we do not know yet. I mean I wish this was later, but it is what it is." Regie says, placing me on top of my bed, "Plus, if you are pregnant I can give you cream pies all the time." He flicks one eyebrow up at me.

"Hmm.. sounds like a deal then." I say before kissing him and letting him get on top of me.


Hello hello! 

Kinda filler chapter that hints towards things in the future hehe.  

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