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"I don't know Elise, I just do not understand why I am feeling so ... weird about him." I say before sipping my coffee. Elise and I decided to go out to lunch since it's been about a week since we have seen each other. I felt like I had so much to talk with her about. Both of us were having issues with the north star boys.

"I feel you, Ty has kind of ghosted me. He is slow at replying and I just do not think he is interested anymore." She stirs her coffee, looking sorrowful.

"Ehh aren't you taller than him anyway?" I giggle.

"And you are the same height as Regie! I thought you wanted a 6 foot tall guy to manhandle you."

"Okay fine, but it would be nice right?" I asked, "height is not a big deal, if he was two or more inches shorter - different story."

"But how is Regie?" Elise smirks, knowing about the events that happened the last time I saw Regie.

"It's going well but I know he does not want a relationship. He doesn't like labels, and I lied to him that I wanted that too." I bite my lip, I really fucked myself over by not telling the truth but I did not want to lose him.

"Jessie!" She almost spit out her coffee.

"But I think he might like me, he texts me all the time and it is not about sex. He asks about my day and stuff like that."

"Hmm, maybe he doesn't want to come off as a fuckboy. You know how many guys have become obsessed with you after you slept with them? He's just another one." I mean she is kind of right. "Also Layla is hosting a party on Friday, you wanna come?"

"You know I do." I smirk.


I told Regie about the party on friday but sadly he had to film. Since I've been watching a lot of Euphoria, I put on my most Maddi-esque dress and heels for the party. I wanted to look hot, so I could have fun. Like if no one came up to me at Layla's party would it even be fun? If I did not flirt with someone would it be fun or worth it?

I texted Elise to let her know that I am ready and she lets me know she is coming over. Usually, Elise comes over then we take an Uber to the party then come home back to my apartment and then she crashes on my couch. We have everything planned. If she goes home with someone then I sadly go home by myself and vice versa. I usually do not hook up with guys at parties because they are douchey. Not going to waste another body on someone who will block me in the morning.

"Hey bestie! Let's go!" Elise yells coming into my apartment.

"Okay okay, hold on," I give my dog a quick kiss then grab a small purse. Our Uber waits outside the apartment lobby for us. We get into the back and head into a suburb of Los Angeles. We walk into the house filled with sweaty bodies and blaring music. I kind of hate these kinds of parties.

"I'm going to get something to drink," I yelled to Elise before going to the kitchen where an array of alcohol was. I just went into a cooler and grabbed a Truly. Basic I know.

"Hey baby!" I hear someone shouting and behind me is the one and only, Elliot. Ew.

"Hey Elliot, how is it going?" I fake a smile.

"Not much, just hanging out. I am so happy you're here." He wraps his arms around my waist. I did not like Elliot for a couple reasons. One being he is my ex. Not in a boyfriend way, but in a friends with benefits way. He was only nice to me when he wanted sex, then treat me bad every other time. He also did not break up with me until he officially started dating his new girl. Seems like she might not be around anymore since he is acting like this towards me.

"Mhm, how is your girlfriend?" I asked, sipping my drink.

"Alyssa? We ain't together no more. Let's talk somewhere else," He grabs my wrist gently and leads me to the softly lit backyard. I did not like where this was going but I was curious. "Let's sit." He sat down on a chair next to the lit fire.

"So, what happened?" I asked.

"With Alyssa? Man she's crazy, looking through my phone and smoking all my weed. I just had to let it go." Elliot spilled. "Are you seeing anyone?" He said before lighting his joint.

"Not really, but uhh I guess maybe," I smiled thinking of Regie. I really wanted to call it seeing him, but I am not too sure.

"Looks like you got a crush then." He inhales and breathes out quickly.

"Ehh, maybe I do." I raised my eyebrows while looking at him hoping he would pass the blunt to me.

"Wanna smoke baby?" He asked, I am glad he picked up my hint so I smiled and nodded in response. We passed the joint quietly for a couple times before picking up the conversation again. "So... who is the boy?"

"His name is Regie, uhh, he is famous on tiktok. Let me show you a picture." I opened my phone and went into the photo app. I picked out my favorite photo of Regie and I to show him. It was just a picture of us at the beach, but we both had such genuine smiles it had already become my favorite.

"He kind of looks like a fuck boy. I am glad you found someone though," Elliot sounded a little sad when he said that last part.

"I wish he would've come out tonight." Almost on cue, my phone buzzed.


Wanna come over? We are finished filming :)

I am a little stoned but yeah i'd love to

What is the address? I will pick u up

1817 blue heights drive

I waited patiently for Reg to come pick me up, I was still having my conversation with Elliot in the backyard. I thought when Regie told me he was here, I would just excuse myself and head towards my boo. Then I saw Regie rushing through the crowd of people and suddenly he grabbed my wrist. Well then.

"Why are you grabbing me so tight?" He was dragging me through the house and to his car parked on the street. Regie opened the car door for me then got in on his side before answering the question.

"Who was that?" He said quietly.

"Elliot, he and I used to hook up but it was a very long time ago. He kind of cheated on me. We were just talking and catching up Reg, stop worrying." I leaned over the console and kissed his cheek.

"You are mine though and I do not want you talking to him anymore." He plainly said.

"Oh so that is how you feel? That I am all yours?" I sighed, "if you want me to be yours I want commitment. There is no such thing as mine and not having labels."



I know it has been about a month since I updated but it's Regie day! I'm just really busy with college rn so sorry for the delay. 

I also picture Elliot as Dominic Fike - took him right out of euphoria lol

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