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"Well that situation is done." I slam my phone down. Tears streamed down my face, but I was burning with anger. I wanted to block Regie's number, Instagram, Twitter, Tiktok, whatever. I just never wanted to see his face again. I stomped laps around my apartment with my dog following closely behind me. The pictures made me cry, but angry, all at once. Maybe I should go out too. I know hot people that want to take me out. I called my friend, Levi, to tell him the plan.

"Hey Levi, can I ask the biggest favor from you?" I say.

"Yeah, what is up Jessica?" He responds.

"You know the guy I am seeing?" I ask.

"Yep, I saw the spam posts."

"Look at twitter and type his name."

"Okay Okay..." He pauses, "oh no. I am sorry Jess."

"Do not feel bad for me, but you could do me a favor," I offer.

"You want to make him jealous?" He questions.

"Oh absolutely."

"That is so immature, I am in." He laughs.

"Perfect, is a brunch date good?"

"Yeah, I am in."

The next morning, I was excited to get up and get dressed. I spent last night rolling around my bed, sad that Regie did not even try to text me again after the two he left as soon as I left the fair. I had not heard anything from him. I mean it was one thing if he had texted me, but nothing at all? I put on my hottest brunch outfit and go to Poppy + Rose. It was one of the best brunch restaurants in Los Angeles, and it was close to the flower market. Paparazzi, good food, and flowers which is a win win win. As soon as I finish parking, I see Levi walking towards my car. He opens the door for me and I get out gracefully, or as gracefully as I can.

"Hey, you look amazing." He smiles and puts his arm around my waist.

"So do you! Are you excited to eat LA's best brunch?" I asked.

"With the hottest girl? Absolutely." Now at this point, I do not know if he is putting on a front, or he actually likes me. I am lost, but I am going with it.

"Yay! Let's eat some waffles."

Regie's POV

I wake up laying next to a figure. I roll over and part my arms around her waist and kiss her cheek.

"Good morning Jessie." I give her another kiss on the temple.

"What?" She mumbles still asleep. That voice is different. Oh shit, I slept over at Denise's apartment.

"Oh fuck I can not be here." I get up and put my shoes and glasses on. All of my clothes are still on so hopefully I did not sleep with her. Just slept next to her. Like that is a good excuse.

"Reg, come back to bed." She says holding up the sheets.

"No, no I got to be home." I dip as fast as I can. I get in my car and drive back to the North Star Boy house.

"Yoo, Regie, did you see twitter last night?" Seb asked as soon as I got into the house.

"No, what's up?"

"You need to look." Seb handed over his phone where all I saw was pictures of Denise and I at the fair. My arm was around her, our faces were close, this is not looking good.

"Fuck." I breathe out.

Labels | Regie MacalinoOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora