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When I got home, I just laid in bed. I did not want to call or text anyone. I wanted to be alone, and watch Netflix. I did not want to think, so I wanted to find the craziest horror movie ever. I put my phone on do not disturb and laid out with my dog, watching the movie.

Regie's POV

"Please pick up," I whispered to myself. After Jessie left, I ended up walking back to my car. I wanted to give her space, but it has been over thirty minutes since she left, so she should be home. When my call went through I celebrated on the inside for a second. At least she has not blocked my number.

"Hey this is Jessie, sorry I missed your call, I will call you back as soon as possible," Her voicemail said.

"Hey Jess, I am sorry about earlier. If you let me, I will explain myself. Okay, bye." I hung up and huffed. Maybe the boys would have good ideas on what to do. This girl makes me so stressed but she is worth all the stress. I started driving home when I got a call from Denise. Do I ignore it? Ehh, might as well pick up.

"Hey Denise."

"Hey Regie! You should come back, I am really lonely here." She spoke.

"I do not think that is the best idea right now. My girl is upset." I answered.

"Reg she is not even picking up the phone! She will not know." Denise tried to convince me.

"Not really good advice." I laughed, "look I am going to go home, okay?"

"Please Regie! I am all alone and I already bought a wristband."

"Uh, okay fine but not for long." I sighed. Jessie is going to kill me if she finds out.

"Yay! See you in a minute." She then hung up.

Once I got back to the festival, Denise was waiting for me behind the main gate. She led me off to the gravitron and while we waited in line we chatted. I tried to stay quiet, but Denise would not stop talking. I felt bad that Jessie was at home upset while I was out with some other girl. I felt like I was only going to be there for maybe three or four rides, and then I could dip.

I ended up being very wrong.

It was 8 o'clock and I was still at this fair. I have been here for four hours. Denise and I just went a third time around on the ferris wheel. We just talked about our hometowns in the Philippines, how it was moving to the United States, and our families. I could spend hours talking to her, she was just too easy. Stop Regie! You are not dating Denise! I look down at my phone and I see no texts from Jessie and I frown.

Jessie's POV

After watching two movies back to back, I finally got back on my phone. I see Regie left me a few texts and a few calls but I did not want to deal with it right away. I still wanted time to process. I checked Twitter and looked to see what is on the trending page.

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What? Did we get caught together? We have not officially confirmed anything. I click his name and tears well up in my eyes. Regie and Denise are on a ferris wheel, sitting together, with his arm around her? 

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