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The second Regie and I get up from our spot on the beach, he picks me up to carry me to the car.

"Is this your workout for today?" I asked.

"Nah, that'll be later." He smirks.

"Please, do not drop me. I have a photo shoot tomorrow for YSL." I begged.

"Okay okay. But when were you going to tell me that? Congrats!" Regie exclaimed, putting me down and smacking my ass.

"I found out a couple days ago, it's me, another girl and a couple of boys."

"Ahh, you're not going to replace me right?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Oh please Reg, you'll be begging for me to leave you alone." I joked.


I sit down on Regie's lap straddling his lap, grinding slightly while making out with him on the couch. His arms are wrapped around me, his palms relaxing on my ass.

"Baby," He moans before taking off my top and unclips my bra. He helps glide the straps down my arms. He starts kissing and sucking down my neck.

"Reg-" I say in pleasure. My body was throbbing, just grinding into him to get some sort of pleasure. He kisses before sucking on my nipples. He suddenly picks himself and I up from the couch and he takes me into my bedroom, dropping me on the bed. He takes off his shirt then comes back to my nipples. Sucking, biting, kissing them ever so slightly. He kisses down my stomach, before he reaches the hem of my jeans. He unbuttoned my jeans then pulled them off and took my underwear with the jeans. He runs a finger through my slit, making me moan loudly.

"You are already so wet... fuck." Regie breathed out. He positions my legs wrapped around his neck. He kisses the skin, before licking a stripe up me. I whine in response before he starts sucking on my clit and pistoning his fingers inside me. He continues going between licking and sucking on my clit, while my fingers are wrapped tightly into his hair.

"I'm going to cum!" I almost screamed in pleasure. He just nods, not wanting to pull up and deny me my pleasure. I felt myself bubble over, pulling his hair tighter, and letting out a long, loud moan. After I come down from my high, Regie comes back up kissing me on my lips so I taste myself.

"Tastes good right?" Regie smirks while unbuttoning his pants. We continue to makeout while he takes off his boxers and I pull my legs around his waist. He suddenly fills me up, making me arch my back off the mattress. We moan together in the same breath, both feeling amazing. He starts slowly thrusting into me before I say, "come on Regie, fuck you like you hate me." The lust in his eyes increased, he put his hand around my throat, forcing weight down. He puts my legs to his shoulders.

"You're going to wish you never said that." He teases.


I woke up the next morning embarrassed. I had bruises around my hips and there was no way people would not know. I felt endlessly mortified. I call Regie, but to no avail, he does not pick up. I mean it is six am, I do not blame him. I decided to just go ahead and try to cover it up the best I could with my makeup.

I get onto set and see a few familiar faces, one being Elliot.

"Hey Jessie!" He says throwing up a hand. His stylist is picking out his clothes and accessories behind him.

"Hi Elliot I'll talk to you later - I got to go," I hurried along to my stylist. I was put into a long, backless, black dress that had long feathers attached. While at makeup, Elliot comes up and sits next to me. "I like the look you have." I smile.

"Thank you, I just wanted you to know, I can see those bruises on your hips." Elliot smirks.

"Oh- uhh... I am sorry?" I fumbled through my words.

"So that boy who rudely pulled you away from me at the party?"

"Yeah, my boyfriend?" I over exaggerated that boyfriend part. I think Elliot was starting to tip toe a line, why would he be jealous of Regie?

"Mhm." He just hummed and got up leaving me at my makeup chair.


After the shoot, I got home and texted Regie about what happened with Elliot. Since Manager Ty was not watching, he decided to leave and head to my apartment.

"Well.. you are all mine. I mean look at those bruises." He said inspecting them along my hips. It was almost like his hands were imprinted on my body.

"Like what gives him the right? Did I tell you what happened between him and I?"

"No, but I feel like it is a long story. Let me get a snack." Regie joked.

"Okay I'll follow and talk. So we did not officially date but we would hookup at least once a week."

"What a slut." He interrupted and laughed.

"Regie, you are literally a fuck boy do not even with me right now. He was only using me. He would not take me out or anything... It was like he was embarrassed. As soon as he made it official with this other girl, he blocked me."

"Shitty guy to be fucking you and talking to the girl." He said biting into a chip.

"I know right, I do not know. It still kind of hurts because he was just awful to me, now he wants to be friends. Since I saw him at that party, now he is texting and showing up. Just sucks because I thought I was over it, but since I saw him it is all coming back." I wanted to cry, but I am not crying over another guy to Regie - even if it was because of trauma, not that I still liked Elliot.

"Come here." He wraps his arms around me tightly and kisses my forehead then cheek. I smile before the door knocks. I walk over and look into the door's peephole.

"Oh for fucks sake." 


I know this is a little short, but I am a tired college student. 

Side note; I model a lot of Regie and Jessie stuff based off my bf and I tbh... Like he asked me to be his gf on a picnic date... also he made me baklava... If I do not marry my bf y'all need to kill me bc I am not trying again. 

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