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I rolled over to my iphone alarm going off. I groan before telling it to turn off. Today was Regie and I's 'date' so I am excited about that, but I really wanted just five more minutes of sleep. I figured I'd go get up anyway, since Katana was probably already hungry. I grab her leash and collar before clicking it on and taking her down to the grassy area my apartment building has. While I wait for Katana to pee, I see a text from Regie.


Good morning baby! Is 1 good for you?

Yes ofc! I can't wait :)

I put my phone into my back pocket and walked with Katana before going back to my apartment on the tenth floor. I put her food out before I went into my closet to find out what I wanted to wear on my date with Regie. I ended up picking out a plaid mini skirt, a white halter-like tank, and a brown cardigan. I went into my bathroom, showered, and put on makeup. It was hard picking out what kind of makeup I wanted to wear but decided on a shimmery eye look so it would make my eyes sparkle. I checked the time it was about 12, so I texted Regie for the address, which he sent right away. The house is about 30 minutes away - got to love LA traffic. I still had half an hour before I had to start heading over, so I spent this time playing with my dog and putting on jewelry. When it's 12:25 I grab my purse, give Katana kisses and go over to the parking garage to go to Regie's house.

Regie's POV

"Bro I don't know what to wear," I yell to Justin.

"Just wear what you usually wear! She'll probably like your style."Justin says nonchalantly, just scrolling on his phone. I finally find the blue corduroy jacket I've been looking for and hold it up to Ryan.

"Is this good Ryan? Like with jeans and a white t?" I ask. I am so stressed. I know Jessie was going to go all out, so I wanted to look as great as possible.

"Yes it looks good, stop stressing, all you're going to do is take it off anyway." Ryan smirks while I just stare at him. Well he is kind of right. I felt my phone buzz and it was a text from Jessie, saying that she was on her way.

"I've never been so nervous, like texting is one thing but talking makes me nervous," I sat on the edge of my bed.

"Yeah, but she seems chill... She's not going to make fun of your awkward convo." Ryan smiles.

"I guess." I lay down and wait for her to text that she's here.

Jessie's POV

I drive through LA while listening to Tyler, The Creator's music. I try to listen and just vibe along with the music, but I find my hands trembling on the steering wheel. I could feel my body tense more and more while driving to his mansion. I was five minutes away when I felt my body tighten. I can do this, stop acting like it's your first date, you're good. Maybe I was just nervous because Regie is the most beautiful person I've ever been out with. I was also nervous if there was going to be backlash from his friends or fans.

You have arrived!

Well fuck me. I tried to stabilize my breath before texting Regie that I was here.


I'm here :)

Ok cool, ill be down in a min :)

I take a deep breath and park my car towards the curb. I mindlessly go through my twitter before he comes down the steps of his mansion. Oh, he looks very handsome. He opens the door and says hi very quietly and leans over the center console to give me a big hug.

"Hey, you look so cute! I love this jacket," I smile.

"Thanks, the boys helped me pick it out," He gushed.

"So, where are we off to Mr. Macalino?" I asked while grabbing my phone from the cup holder.

"Uhh, the boys and I go to this place but I can't think of the name. I'll just direct you," He pauses, "so take a right up at this stop sign."


"I am so glad you suggested this place Regie," I say before sipping my boba.

"It's good right? I'm glad I found this place, the boys and I go a lot."

"How do you keep your body with all this sugar?" I question, I mean seriously if I got this more than once a week, I'd be getting thick however Regie is so built.

"I'm built different," He laughs, "so what made you move out to LA?"

"Well, I thought of it as more of a networking move than anything else. All social media people live out here and if all else fails, there's also a lot of onlyfans girls and guys here." I stir my tea around.

"Onlyfans? You have one?" He furrowed his eyebrows.

"No, I mean it would be cool I just wouldn't post sex work, just me chilling and exclusive stuff. I mean if things got bad maybe the sex work isn't a bad idea... Am I oversharing?" I rambled.

"No, keep going beautiful!" Regie beamed.


We walked down the streets of LA till we hit the beach. It was about 2:30, the sun was still high in the air, but since it's January, not too many people were hanging around.

"It's so beautiful here," I said, covering my eyes from the sun.

"You are so beautiful," He flirted.

"I am the view," I giggled, "want to sit?"

"No, I would rather take you back to my place." He snaked his arm around me bringing me closer to him.

"Hmm... Wouldn't your manager be upset with you?" I raised my eyebrow.

"Not if I sneak you in. I do not have roommates right now, so all I need to do is get you in."

"Wow what an honor, but I'm not trying to do that." I said sitting down in the sand and he followed.

"What? sneak in?"

"No, have sex. This is our first date." I shrugged my shoulders.

"Not a date, just a hangout," Regie smirked.

"Oh," I mumbled sadly.

"I don't really do labels. You know? I don't want to be tied down right now." He said, wrapping his arms around his knees.

"Neither do I." I lied.

"Perfect." He responded before leaning in for a kiss. 

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