Chapter 2

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Just popping in a trigger warning, I will place it in each chapter its mentioned, but just incase
There is light stalking here. *

The work day came and went with success, even though there was still no accountant hired for the books and paperwork, but Juwon didn't mind now filling in the position. Her ring design orders had slowed down since the holidays were over with.
It wouldn't be too busy now in the summer time with designs, unless engagements or birthday gift requests came in.
Summer time was for weddings.
As she stretched and waited for Hobi to make his way over to her desk like he had always done, she took the wedding invitations she recieved in the mail today at the office and glanced them over.
They were simple invitation designs, a basic white background, with black fancy cursive font, and gold trim.
They were actually one of Yoongi's designs, and you wouldn't think something so simple could look so astounding, but everything Yoongi designed even as basic as it got, always looked so beautiful and like it was something that took years upon years to have finished.

"Are those the invitations?" Hobi says leaning over her shoulder and looking down to the wedding invitations.
"They are indeeed." she says as she holds one up for him to look over.
"I have to hand it to that fiance of ours, he has got the talent for making basic things look immaculate." he boasts as he holds the invitation up, running his finger along the gold trim.
"Indeed, how he keeps a steady hand with those fancy fonts, I will never understand. I can't even sign my name that steady." Juwon laughs as she puts the rest of the invitation into the box they arrived in.
"Steady fingers and hands is just one of his many talents, my dear." he winks as he lays the invitation he was holding into the box that she was holding.
For some reason this sent a slight chill up her back and she shook her head as she turned and made her way towards the elevator.
"You can't tell me I'm wrong!" he calls as he follows her towards the elevator.
"Yea yea, shush." she says playfully as they walk inside the elevator.

"I've got to run over to the office and grab some paperwork I will finish while you and Yoongi are out tonight, and lock up the door. If you'll wait right here for the cab, it won't take but just a minute." he says leaning to her and kissing her before walking towards the office.
"Why do you even use that office if you still work upstairs with the rest of us." Juwon questions with a playful smile.
"It comes in handy." he winks to her as he opens the door.
"Hoseok, those kinds of activities are not work related." Juwon gigles as she rolls her eyes.
"I beg to differ, they take place at work, therefore they are work related." he nods as he walks inside the office.
Juwon rolled her eyes again as she looked around to see if she could see the cab approaching yet, but nothing just yet. Suddenly she felt very alone. And even though Hobi was a few feet away from her, she felt like an a sense of doom lingering in the air.
She began to scan the area slowly now, trying to see if there was anyhting odd or out of place that would make her feel the way she was feeling as she backed a little closer towards the office door.
It was then her phone began to ring, causing her jump slightly as she hiked the box of inviations over into one arm and fished for her phone in her bag with her other free hand.
"Hello?" she answers and she smiled brightly as she heard Jaesang and Mina playing with one of his more noiser toys that Auntie had gotten him for Christmas. She could hear his laughter and it made her heart melt instantly, almost forgetting the fear she was feeling not even seconds ago.
"Hi baby." came Yoongi's voice on the other end. "Have you two left the office yet, Hoseok isn't answering his phone."
"He's locking up the managers office, he probably still has his main phone on silent. But we are just about to leave."
"Oh good. I was just wondering, cause we have reservations, I didn't want us to miss them."
"Keep your patience Yoongi, we won't miss them. Is everything okay there?" Juwon asks curiously as the overwhelming feeling of someone watching her began to creep back up her spine as she started to look around her surrondings again.
"Yes everything is fine, was just getting Jaesang and Hoseok's dinner ready and about to send Mina off for the night."
Juwon smiled as her eyes finally trailed over to the street across from her, and there the person stood once again. She made an auidble gasp as she turned towards the office door and bolted inside, shutting the door quickly behind her.
"Whats wrong?" both Yoongi and Hobi asks in unison, as Hobi looks up from the papers he was gathering from his desk.
"The person that was following me that day, they are across the street." she whispers in a tremble.
"What?!" Hobi says as he immediatly moves her from the door and opens it quickly.
"Are you alright?" Yoongi asks, the fear apparent in his voice as well.
"Fine fine. Hobi has gone to check." she says as she takes a deep breath in and exhales it quickly.
"No one is there Juwon..." Hobi says as he walks back into the office and grabs her hand. "Are you sure you saw them?"
"Positive." she nods. "It was the same as that day, they have a baseball cap over their face so I cant quite see who it is."
"I didn't see anyone..." Hobi says as he takes her hand in his. "But the cab is here, so we should probably get going."
"Hurry up and get home you two." Yoongi instructs.
"Alright, we are going now." Juwon says as she follows Hobi out to the cab.

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