Chapter 5

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Spice warning. You know the drill, if its not your cuppa tea, wait for the next chapter.*

That night after Hobi and Juwon had finally left for work, Juwon could barely sit still on the long commute back home. She fidgeted nervously with her fingers, and when Hobi tore her hands away from each other and held them in his, she began to fidget with his fingers.
She was constantly looking out the window for the figure that had been lingering about, and was bouncing her legs up and down rapidly trying to subside the nerves she had been feeling all day.

"Baby, calm down. I am sure Yoongi and Jaesang are just fine." Hobi says finally breaking the heavy silence that clung to the air that was more than suffocating everyone that was along for the ride.
But she ignored Hobi and continued to search the area's that ran by her eyes through the window. She would not be so easily convinced until she was home, seeing it for herself, that they were both alright.

Finally after the hour long ride, they had arrived back home. Juwon exhaled in relief as she scanned the area one last time, feeling satisfied that she didn't see anyone or anything nearby.
After Hobi got the cab door opened for her, he took her hand and gave it a reasurring squeeze as they made their way towards the house. As they got closer, Juwon could feel the tension fade away. She knew as soon as she opened the door, she would see Jaesang playing happily and Yoongi either sitting at the kitchen counter working on one of his projects, or getting things ready for dinner.
As they entered the home, Hobi called out for Yoongi and then the sound of little scurrying feet filled the air as Jaesang made his way through the living room and to the front door to greet them.
"Eomma!" he tugs at her pants leg excitedly as Juwon doesn't hesitate to pick him up immediatly and hug him tightly. "Appa!" he calls happily as he looks over to Hobi with a gummy smile.
"Hello, Ja Ja." Hobi coos happily. "Where's dada?" he asks curiously.
Jaesang looked around the room, and then pointed towards the kitchen where Yoongi was looking to them from the counter.
Hobi could hear the auidble sigh of relief Juwon let go of as she began to make her way over to the counter to greet Yoongi.
"Hi princess, how was the rest of your day." he asks with a smile as he stands up to kiss her softly before reaching out for Hobi.
"Long and anxious, glad its over with." she sighs as she sits down next to him still holding Jaesang close to her.
"Well I spoke with the detective this afternoon when I got back home..." Yoongi says looking between her and Hobi.
"And?" Hobi says crossing his arms across his chest.
"He says theres nothing really that can be done now without a description of the person, but he would have his team scope all the areas we frequent, and told us to keep an eye on our security cameras for anything we could use to I.D. the person." Yoongi sighs as he sits back down next to Juwon.
"So in other words, we are back to taking care of things until shit hits the fan like with Sungho." Hobi says angrily.
"Not neccesarily Hoseok, don't get so hot headed just yet."
"So its back to keeping track of me, and keeping close on me." Juwon sighs as she lets Jaesang down and he takes off towards the living room to retrieve some of his toys he had scattered about that he was playing with.
"What else are we supposed to do Juwon? Especially when most of the time you are alone with our son." Yoongi says with an aggravated sigh.
"So you two leave with Jaesang then. I'll stay cooped up in the house. Maybe I should just quit and stay home. Since this seems to be the norm for my life." Juwon sighs as she angrily stands from where she was sitting and begins to walk away when Hobi grabs her by the wrist.
"It isn't as easy this time Juwon, we don't know who it is this time like we did when it was Sungho. We don't know to look for or if it is anyone at all." he says, gripping her wrist rather tightly.
"Mina saw the person this time..." Juwon says looking between Hobi and Yoongi with disbelief. "Unbelievable." she says as she snatches her arm away from Hobi. "You both think this is in my head."
Neither of them knew how to respond to what she had just said. Of course they didn't think it was in her head, with Mina seeing someone, it was now very apparent that there was someone there, they just weren't too sure if it was still a mere considence or if it was indeed someone stalking Juwon.
"And you two wonder why I keep things from you." Juwon says the last part angrily as she seizes the oppurtunity to escape them as she made her way towards the stairs.
"Kim Juwon!" Hobi called in frustration as he began to make his way towards the stairs, but Yoongi was quick to jump from his seat and grab Hobi by the arm and pull him away.
"Appa...Dada..." Jaesang cooed as he walked over to the pair of them and held his arms up.
Yoongi knelt down to Jaesang and picked him up and hugged him tightly in an effort to comfort their son. "Its alright Ja Ja, eomma just needs a moment to herself. She will be ok. Ok?" he coos as he tickles his sides playfully.
Yoongi then turned his attention back to Hobi, who was now steaming in his anger. His fist balled and his breathing heavy.
"Give her time to calm down Hoseok, and then we can talk with her."
"She has to understand we are doing this to protect her and our son. Not to keep her trapped under our constant supervision." Hobi sighs as he rolls his eyes.
"So we make her understand, like we did with the Sungho situation. Coming at this with hostility and arguements will get us nowhere. You both need to calm down and then we can talk to her."

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