Chapter 11

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Yoongi made his way down the stairs as he made his way towards Juwon and Jaesang.
He then took Jaesang away from Juwon, kissing his cheek gentely and handing him to Mina. "Go with Auntie Mina, ok?" Appa, dada and eomma will be right there, ok?"
"Okay dada." Jaesang smiles to Yoongi as Mina nods and takes him away.
But Yoongi's mother's eyes stay fixated on Jaesang as Mina ascends quickly back up the stairs. Cooing to the little one to keep him calm and comforted.

"I'll ask again..." he says through gritted teeth as he slides his hand across Juwon's lower back as he walks past her and down the stairs further. "What is she doing here?"
"Is it such a crime for a mother to want to see her son and grandson?" she asks in a sarcastic tone.
"Is this some sick joke mother? Really?" Yoongi continues as he tries to get closer to her, clenching her fists as Hobi puts up an arm to stop him.
Yoongi grips Hobi's arm tightly and looks to his mother with disgust.
"How did you even know we would be here?"
"Oh please, Hoseok's family takes up half of Gwangjum, it wasnt that hard to hear about it." she shrugs as she takes a step closer to Yoongi.
But Hobi puts turns to her and puts his other arm out to stop her. "I wouldn't come any closer if I were you..." Hobi warns sternly as he looks to her with an angered expression.
"He's my son. I can come near him if I want."

It was then Yoongi closed his eyes as his grip tightened on Hobi's arm.
"Yoongi, don't..." Hobi warned sternly as he looked back to him. But it was too late. Yoongi was already fired up. He was pissed off that he didn't know how to help ease Juwon's terrors, pissed off that she was pissed off at them for going to see Sungho, and pissed off that his mother was now once again standing in his sight. He felt an anger rise in him that he hadn't felt since the night him and Hobi found Sungho standing over their soon to be wife giving birth to their son. And try as he might, he could not keep it down anymore. This was too much for him.

"Are you fucking kidding me? You left me in the freezing ass cold, to die! I was six, SIX! And you have the audacity to sit here and claim your are my mother! You sentenced me to a death pentalty and for what, cause of my father?! Even if Juwon, I and Hoseok never worked out, she would never condem Jaesang to such a cruel life!"

Hobi did his best to hold Yoongi back, but Juwon made her way down the stairs and wrapped her arms around Yoongi's waist and held him tightly.
"Yoongi, stop!" she shouted.

"Eonni!" came Auntie's voice from the top of the stairs.
Everyone turned their attention to Auntie now as she made her way down the stairs. "You are causing quite the uproar upstairs. I suggest you leave and don't come back. I will protect my children at all costs." she says sternly as she shoves Hobi slightly to the side to face her sister.

Yoongi's mother looked to a now teary eyed Yoongi who was still gripping Hobi's arm with one hand, and gripping Juwon's hand with his other hand and seething in his anger.
"Eonni, while I ask nicely." Auntie threatens as she takes a step closer to her sister.

Yoongi's mother took a look to her son and then smirked. "Fine. You'll all regret this oneday."
She says as she turns to Yoongi with a sick grin across her face.
"Regret what? Not dying? Sometimes I wish I had so I wouldn't carry around this guilt for you!" he snaps causing Juwon who still holding on to him to jump slightly and Hobi to look at him with a saddened expression.

Everyone was left stunned and speechless at Yoongi's confession as his mother turned her back without another thought and left.
It was then that Auntie turned to the three of them and giving her, her best reassuring smile.
"The three of you need to get it together, and be strong for one another. Whatever it is you are going through at the moment, you need to put aside. For yourselves and your son.
Do not let this affect you." she says sternly but softly as she looks up to Yoongi. "Take a moment to breath, and then come into your guests. They are worried." she pats Hobi's hand lovingly and smiles over to Juwon and nodded as she made her way back up the stairs to rejoin the guests.

"Let go of me Juwon." Yoongi says coldly as he tries to pry her arms from his waist.
"No..." she says simply as she tightens her grip.
"Let go!" he snaps slightly causing her to let go. And without a word he turns and walks back up the stairs.

Juwon's tears filled her eyes as turn to look at Hobi. He gave her a sad frown as he pulled her to him and embraced her tightly. "Just give him a little bit to come around. You know how he is about his mother."
Juwon simply nodded as she looked up to Hobi, who looked down to her with a soft smile and kissed her softly on the lips. "Come on, our family is waiting. Let's forget any of this happened. Ok?" he says lifting her chin with his index finger. "We will all talk later at home."

Juwon nodded as she took Hobi's hand and he led her up the stairs.

As they entered the dinning room area, they were greeted by Hobi's parents, Hobi's mother was holding Jaesang and dancing with him as he rested his head on her shoulder like he was going to fall asleep.
"Everything okay son? We heard a little shouting and got worried, but Mina told us not to go out."
"Everything is fine Abeoji, just dealing with an unwanted guest is all." he gives his father a small smile before bowing respectfully.
"I see." his father nods as he pats his back "Come on lets eat, we have a wedding to discuss." he gives him a wink as they all make their way to the long table to sit and begin eating.

As the night went on, the atmosphere of the evening finally changed back to that of a happy one. Jaesang fell asleep contently in Juwon's arms as she rocked him while she ate.
She sat between Hobi and Yoongi. Yoongi's demanour seemed relax for the most part, but his eyes told a different story.
Juwon would glance up every now just to make sure he was okay.
"I am fine." he muttered after catching her looking in one particular instance.
"Are you sure?" she asks quietly as she looked up to him. But before Yoongi could answer they were interrupted by Hobi's father.

"So about the wedding..." he clears his throat as he looks down to the trio. "Did you guys decide on a venue? I know the invitations said to ask upon RSVP, but I am just curious as to the venue the 3 of you chose."
" We chose the venue where we had Jaesang's shower and where we proposed to Juwon. It only felt right to come full circle and have the wedding there." Hobi says with a proud smile as he looks down to his father.
"Excellent. I liked that place alot. It was nice, and staff was quite pleasant." he says with a smile.

It was then that Mina stood up with a small and raising her glass in a toast and looked down to Juwon, Hobi and Yoongi.
"I would just like to toast to my brother, you are a bit difficult sometimes, but your the best big brother I could ask for. Happy Birthday. I'd also like to congratulate Juwon, Hoseok and Yoongi on their engagement and upcoming wedding at the end of next month. I wish the 3 of you many happy blessings and years. Jaesang couldn't have asked for better parents."
Everyone agreed and clapped as they all raised their glasses in a toast to Mina's words.

*Later that evening*

Juwon had gotten Jaesang soundly to asleep once again after he had awoken from his little nap while they were having Hobi's birthday dinner.
Once she had him tucked into bed, she wandered into the living room to find it empty.
Hobi had gone to take a shower, and she wasn't sure where Yoongi had made his way to, but she had a good idea.
She made her way up the stairs and sighed heavily. She wasn't sure where the guys heads were at after that happned today, but she wanted to at least check on Yoongi, especially after once again being confronted with his mother.

She slowly opened the door to find Yoongi sitting in his art room, attempting to finish a painting he had started not long ago.
"How is it coming along?" she asks in a whisper as she gently slides her arms around his waist.
Yoongi put the paint brush and turned to face her, while still wrapped in her arms and sitting on his chair. "Its coming along, finally. I guess I needed to get pissed off to find the inspiration." he chuckles slightly.
Juwon smiled slightly and tilted her head to the side. "And how are you feeling? Really..."
Yoongi looks into her eyes as he cups her cheek gently with one hand. "I am fine." he says softly. "Its never easy seeing that bitch. But I can't keep letting her affect me. I have my own family now to care for. I can't keep letting her cloud my head and making me want to sink back into my darkness."
"You know I am always here if you need to talk about it." she says with a smile.
"I know..." he says simply as he leans in to kiss her. "I know."

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