Chapter 12

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*A/N: Hey guys! I know its been a long while since I have updated. So much has happened in so little time. I am so sorry to leave you all hanging! I hope to be getting back in the swing of things now, and I hope you all enjoy this update. Thank you to everyone who checked in and remained a rock for me. I love you all!
-April xoxoxoxoxoxoxo*

*A Month Later*

Yoongi was in the kitchen getting things ready for lunch while Hobi was in the living room coloring pictures with Jaesang.

It had been a month since everything had happened with Yoongi and his mother and it seemed that he was bouncing back quickly.

However, Juwon's night terror's and paranioa seemed to grow worse after Yoongi's mother randomly popped up in their lives once again.

She was seeing the figure everywhere now, and she hardly ever left Jaesang's side and had completely shut Yoongi and Hobi out.

*A month earlier*

The night Yoongi's mother had shown up to Hobi's birthday dinner, Juwon had stayed upstairs with Yoongi until Hobi had made his way up to join them after his shower.
"Is everything okay?" he asks softly as he leans against the door frame of the art room.
Both Juwon and Yoongi turn to face  Hobi. Juwon offered Hobi a smile as she opened her mouth to speak.
"Everythig is fine, Hoseok. You dont have to pester." Yoongi sighs as he turns back to his painting.

Hobi sighed as he pushed off the door frame and made his way closer to the two of them. "Yoongi, you are a terrible liar, you realize this correct?"
Yoongi sighs as he puts down his paint brush and turns to face Hoseok. "You know when you constantly try to bring it back up, thats what pisses me off and makes the situation worse?"
"I have to pester you Yoongi, otherwise you stay locked up inside yourself and we end up dealing with you overly drunk and acting out." Hobi sighs as he reaches out for Yoongi.
"Oh shutup Hoseok, it was one incident. I have gotten better with it after that time." he pushes Hobi's hand aside.
"No it wasn't just one incident Yoongi, it was the eniterity of our relationship. Especailly when I had to be gone for work."
Yoongi scoffs as he stands up and looks up to Hobi as he crosses his arms.
"Okay you two, lets not fight. We can revist this conversation in the morning after we've all had a good nights rest. Its late and we just got Jaesang to sleep, we dont need to wake him with all this sensless fighting." Juwon says softly as she places a hand on Yoongi's arm and laces her fingers within the hand that Hobi had outstretched for Yoongi's.

Yoongi scoffs again as he pushes Juwon's hand aside and turns his attention to her.
"Good nights rest? You are kidding right?" he chuckles saracastically placing his hands on his hips.
"Yoongi, dont..." Hobi says sternly as his grip tightens on Juwon's hand and pulls her closer to him.
"Oh don't sugar coat this Hoseok. Her nightmares and paranoia have returned, there will be no good nights sleep." he sighs as he turns away from the two of them.

Juwon tried to ease the slight hurt she felt as she swallowed hard and blinked her tears quickly away.
"I told the both of you that I would return to therapy to avoid what happened after Jaesang was born." she looks between Hobi and Yoongi now and sighs heavily. "But I am telling you two, I am being followed. They are careful to be out of sight when you two are near. But Mina saw them as well. I know its not my paranoia."

"Juwon.." Hobi starts softly but is quickly interrupted by Yoongi.
"Sungho is in the insitution Juwon, who else would there be to stalk you the way he did?" Yoongi asks in a condenscending tone.
"I have a theory..." Juwon says quietly as she looks up to Yoongi.
"Okay lets hear it..." Yoongi says, motioning for her to continue.
"Your mother."
Yoongi's eyes widen at the mention of his mother's name and looks between Juwon and Hobi. "You are serious Juwon?"
Juwon nods slowly as  she keeps eye contact with him.
"Come on, I know I hate her, but what reason would she have to stalk us?"
"How else would she have known where Hobi's dinner party was at?" Juwon says as she looks between the two of them. "And besides she couldn't keep her eyes off Jaesang. It was strange all around."
"Juwon..." Hobi tries again but Yoongi puts a hand up to interupt him once again.
Yoongi then sighs and reaches out to wipe the now falling tears down Juwon's cheeks and sighs. "I know we have all been through alot the last few years, and I know its been hard these last few weeks, but I promise you my mother is not stalking us, nor will she take Jaesang from us."
"That maybe true Yoongi, but that still doesnt explain who is following me." she sighs as she lets go of Hobi's hand and leaves the room.

Once she had left Hobi turns to face Yoongi with a stern expression.
"Dont start." Yoongi sighs as he goes to move past Hobi. But before Yoongi could leave the room enterily, Hobi grabs his arm and stops him.
"This is why I wanted us all to talk calmly. Especially you. You lecture her for keeping to herself and when things like her paranioa starts up, but you do the same things to her. You shut her out and you project your anger onto her. Whether you realize it or not."
"Was I wrong then Hoseok?" he looks down to Hobi's hand on his arm and then up to his eyes. "Was I wrong to tell her that my mother isnt responsible?"
"Even if its the case Yoongi, she still thinks someone is after her. She's about to be our wife, she's the mother of our child, its our job to protect them both."
"I am protecting them Hoseok. The best way I know how. But im also not going to tip toe around the fact that the person might not really be there, either."

*Present Day*
"Where is Juwon?" Hobi as he sits Jaesang down at the kitchen table and buckling him into his bosster seat.
"She left a little bit ago for her first therapy session with her old doctor. Did she not tell you?" Yoongi says quietly as he covers the food simmering on the stove and walks over to sit down next to Jaesang.
"I guess not." Hobi shrugs as he looks away from Yoongi.

Things had been awkward since their small arguement a month ago. It had seemed the three of them had carefully avoided one another since then and only lingered in the same room for long when it came to caring for Jaesang.
Hobi looked up to Yoongi and sighed heavily as he ran a hand through his hair. "Yoongi, I think its time we start taking Juwon a little more seriously on the stalking."
Yoongi looks up from cutting up the food for Jaesang and looks to Hobi with a confused expression.
"And why the sudden change of heart now Hoseok?"
"Because, I was checking the cameras this morning for anything that may comfort Juwon with her paranioa. Like with wildlife or the tides coming in a little higher than normal. And I found something that you should see."
It was then that Hobi's phone began to ring. He sighed as he held a finger up to Yoongi and took his phone from his pocket and looked to the caller ID to see DongSun was calling and he knew deep down in his gut that he was about to recieve news of his departure to China.

"Hello." Hobi answers slightly annoyed.
"Good morning to you too Hoseok." DongSun chuckles on the other end.
"I am sorry Chairman. I don't mean to be rude. Is there a problem at the office?"
"No problem at all." DongSun sighs slightly on the other end. "However the yearly visit to China has approached. I know your wedding ceremony is next week, and I just wanted to get a round about date to give to the manager in China to get things set up."

Hobi's heart fell into the bottom of his stomach as he slowly looked over to Yoongi who didnt notice the mood shift in the conversation as he was making funny faces to Jaesang to help enterain him so he would eat.
It was not the right time for him to leave for China. Not with Yoongi's mother's most recent reapprance and with Juwon's struggles. He knew if he left now, the two of them would crumble without his support.

"Ahh DongSun, is there any way..." Hobi says softly as he turns away from Yoongi again.
"No Hoseok, I am afraid not. Out of respect for your ceremony, I have pushed it as far as I can but they are pushing for a date. And they are pushing for it soon. If you decline any further, I am afraid its gonna put us all in a tight spot."

Hobi looked over to Yoongi once again who had finally noticecd the shift in the mood and stood up as their eyes met.
"Tell them I can fly over two weeks after the wedding. But I will not budge anymore on that." Hobi says gravely as he looks away from Yoongi's eyes.
"Thank you Hoseok. I will get in touch with them asap. Enjoy your weekend. I'll see you Monday."
And without another word the line goes dead.

No words were spoken between Hobi and Yoongi as Hobi hung up the phone and stuck it back into his pocket.
But Yoongi nodded and sat back down. Not ready to face the fact that Hobi would once again be leaving them.

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