Chapter 10

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*Look whats getting an update! <333
Also trigger warning, Juwon has a panic attack after a nightmare here at the beginning of this chapter.*

Juwon wasn't sure at what point she had drifted off to sleep.

The last thing she remembred was Hobi carrying her to bed after her and Yoongi had sang him Happy Birthday.

But as she opened her eyes, she opened them to a famaliar sight that she had hoped she would never hope to see once she closed her eyes.
The figure that she had been seeing fllowing her around was now standing in front of her, and her feet were now frozen to the ground, and she was unable to move.
She tried to open her mouth to call for the guys, but nothing but silence left her mouth. Her breathing was soon turned to panic gasps as now Jaesang suddenly appeared to be running towards her, but before she could reach out to pick him up and bring him to the safety of her arms, the figure reached out for him instead and turned and slowly disappeared.

It was then that Juwon regained mobility again as she dropped to her knees as a panic attack consumed her and her screams left her throat as she cried for the figure to bring her back Jaesang.

"Juwon! Juwon!" Hobi started to yell as he lifted her from the bed across his lap as her body began to shake slightly from a combination of the panic attack and fear that was now taking over her.
"Whats going on?" came Yoongi's voice as he now came back into the bedroom after being downstairs paying for their night stay and checking them out for the day so they could return home.
"I am not sure." Hobi says craddling her tightly. "I think she's having a nightmare. She just started shouting."
"Not again." Yoongi sighs as he walks over to try and help Hobi to wake her.
"Juwon, wake up now. Whatever is happening is not real, remember. We are the ones here for you now." Yoongi says calmly as he pushes the hair from her face.

Juwon's body began to relax comfortably into Hobi's arms as she began to get a control back on her breathing as the panic attack subsided slowly and she opened her eyes, suddenly remembering they were still together in the condo, and that her fears were just projecting into her dreams.
"Jaesang..." she whispers out as she looks between Hobi and Yoongi, trying to get her eyes to focus as her sleepy blurred vision began to shift to waking fully up.
"He's just fine." Yoongi says with a sigh and a smile as he smooths her hair. "I just talked to Auntie and her and Mina are getting him settled for the morning and waiting for our return."
Juwon nodded as she tried to lean up with Hobi's help.

After Yoongi and Hobi had gotten Juwon calmed down, the three of them continued to pack their things and get ready for the trip back home.
But Juwon couldn't shake the lingering feeling of doom that kept hanging around her shoulders.
There was only one person who came to mind that instill this type of fear into her mind, and that was Sungho. But she knew this was impossible, considering he was sentenced to spend the rest of his days in the health institution.. Unless he had managed to break free.

"Whats on your mind?" Yoongi asks curiously, taking his index finger and running it across her jawline before resting it on her chin, turning her head so she was looking into his eyes.
She was so lost in her thoughts that she hadn't even realized the cab had began moving and they were making their way back home.
"Oh, I was just thinking about..." she trails off as she looks away.
"About what?" Yoongi crosses his arms encouranging her to continue her sentence.
"I think we should pay a visit to Sungho. Just to confirm that he is there. Maybe my mind would be able to settle once I see for myself that he is there." Juwon says quietly as she fidgets nervously with them of her coat.
For a moment there was no response from any of them as Hobi and Yoongi exchanged a look between one another.
"What is it?" Juwon asks as she looks up to see the exchange between the two of them.

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