Chapter 7

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I know you are all wanting the birthday chapter, I promise its the next chapter. Just wanted to give a little back story to Hobi and Yoongi. <333*


Yoongi paced his bedroom as he thought of how he was going to approach things with Hobi today.
Ever since their fateful meeting in the snow that day, they had grown rather inseparable since that day.
But lately Yoongi had been feeling more things for his best friend than he probably should be feeling, and it was confusing him.

"Yoongi!" came Auntie's voice from behind his bedroom door. "Come on son, its time for school, you'll be late and I am sure Hoseok is waiting for you."
"I am not going today, Aunite. Please just let me stay home!" he calls back as he continues to pace his room.
"Why not?" she asks in a worried tone as she suddenly enters his room and walks over to him, pressing the back of her hand to his forehead and sighing in partial relief as she eyed her adopted son with curiosity. "But you are sweating an awful amount and your paler than a ghost, whats going on?"
"I dont want to talk about it. I just want to forget it. Just let me stay home." Yoongi says as she shoves by her slightly and sits down on the edge of his bed.
"Now you listen to me Min Yoongi, I did not raise you to act this way to your elders. I understand you are clearly going through something, but instead of shutting me out and hiding things, just go ahead and tell me what it is you are struggling with, and maybe I can help you through it."

Ever since Yoongi was abanonded by his mother, it was the very last time he had ever shed any kind of tears. Even as a young child, when he was hurt he hardly ever cried, because he had learned the hard way that no matter amount of tears he cried, his mother was never coming back for him.

But today was different, he couldn't contain his tears the more he tried to shove down his feelings and come up with some excuse to give his Aunt who was desperately waiting for an answer.
"Yoongi, you are worrying me, this isn't your normal behavior. What is going on?" Auntie tried again as she tried again to get some sort of answer from him.
"I..." Yoongi starts as he sighs frustratingly. "This is stupid."
"No its not, what is it, tell me." Auntie says reassuringly as she wipes his eyes of the tears he was crying.
"I am in love Hoseok. I think." he adds the last part quietly, unsure of how she was going to react to what he just confessed to her.
"You think? Or you are? Cause those are two different things." she finally says after awhile of silence.
"I am, I am in love with him." he sighs out, feeling the weight of his secret finally leaving his chest.
"And thats why you are avoiding shcool today, because you have feelings for him?"
"Its weird Auntie. He's my best friend, I shouldn't have these feelings for him. And for someone who saved me, it shouldn't be that way. If anything I should have high respects for him, and admire him as my best friend."
"Why are you trying to talk yourself out of this so bad? Is it really because its Hoseok, or is it because hes a guy?"
"I dont know Auntie."
"Yoongi, listen to me, if you are worried I am going to throw you away like your mother did just because you love someone, you are sadly mistaken. I would never abandon you just because of the person you are, or because of who you love."
"No buts Yoongi, its not weird, and its nothing your mind is telling you. In fact it makes perfect sense that is Hoseok you love."
"I am afraid to tell him."
"Because his family's respect is something he strives so hard to keep, I don't want to stain that just because of these feelings." he sighs as he burries his face in his hands.
"All I am hearing from you is stero typical reasons why you are afraid to tell him. Just tell him, whats the worst he can say no?"
"And be repulsed and not want to be my friend anymore."
"I dont think Hoseok is like that, in fact, hes pretty intelligent, I am sure he already knows and just waiting for you to speak up." Auntie says with a bright smile.
"And what do you think?" Yoongi asks curiously.
"I think no different of you or him, and I would be proud to have him as a son in law should your paths lead you that way. You love who you love Yoongi, there is no stopping it. But now its up to you, you either tell him how you feel and have your answer, or you hide it all away and let the crushing weight of wondering what if, drive you crazy."

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