Chapter 15

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After the ceremony the three of them made their way back to the dressing room where Juwon had changed into her gown and gotten her hair and makeup done for the ceremony.

Yoongi had gone back out to the car that he and Hobi took to the ceremony to get his and Hobi's bags that had their change of clothes for the reception and other things they would need for the night.

Juwon stood in front of the mirror as she tried to get the zipper on her dress unzipped, but tried as she might she couldn't quite reach.

Hobi who had been standing in the door frame watching her for a moment, chuckled softly as he made his way over to her.
"Do you need some help love?" he whispers softly as he wraps an arm around her waist and moves one of her straps down her shoulder and presses a light kiss to her shoulder as he looks up to her in the mirror.
Juwon giggles softly as she nods.
Hobi chuckled again as he spun her around to face him, looking into her eyes and reaching behind her to unzip her dress.
After he helped her from her dress, he carefully picked it up and laid it across the back of the couch so they could hang it up later.
He pulled her close to him and reached up to pull her hair down, watching it fall in loose curls down to her shoulders.
As he did this, Juwon rested her hands on his bare chest, not looking away from his eyes, smiling happily up at him as he began to run his fingers through her hair.
Another rare moment of seeing Hobi soft, enjoying the tender moment between the two of them. It never concered her, nor Yoongi that they hardly ever saw this side of him. They knew it was there, and it showed it through his actions and through the love he had for the two of them, it was a never a doubt that he couldn't be this way.

After a few moments of running his fingers through her hair, a tangle lightly tugged at her scalp and pulled at the scarring and premenant raised bump on the back of her head where she had been slammed down by Sungho all those years ago.
Juwon winced lightly as she gripped Hobi's wrist tightly.
"Im sorry baby..." he says in a half gasp, half whisper as he moves his fingers from her hair and gently runs the palm of his hand over the tender spot on her head.
Pulling her even closer to him and running a hand comfortingly along her back.
"It's alright Hobi. I forget its there sometimes too." she sighs as she rests her head on his chest now and runs a finger along his chest.
"I wish we could forget that memory altogether...." he whispers against her hair kissing the top of her head gently.
"With time we will. We've already over come so much." she says as she looks up to him with a smile, resting her hand on his cheek and running her thumb along his jawline.

Hobi nodded as he closed his eyes and leaned into her touch. Even if she could ever really move on from the trauma, he knew that he and Yoongi would never fully move on from it.
They would always be afraid, they would always keep close watch on her, and their children.
The two of them would never really be free of the memory.

It was then Yoongi made his way back into the room, carrying in the bags they needed for the night as well as the change of outfits that he and Hobi needed for the reception.
He smiled as he looked over to see Hobi and Juwon having a tender moment.
"I am gonna miss these small moments when you head to China..." Yoongi says softly as he makes his way over to the pair of them.

As Hobi kept looking into Juwon's eyes, his smile slowly faded as his facial expression turned to one of anger as his eyes slowly looked over to Yoongi.
Juwon's smile too vanished as she turned to look at Yoongi and then back at Hobi.
"What do you mean, while he's in China? When are you going to China?"
"Two weeks after we get back from the honeymoon. We were supposed to tell you when we got back." Hobi says through a sigh as he looks back over to Yoongi.
"Is this why you want me to quit work? It has nothing to do with taking it easy, or being less stressed, its because you won't be here to keep an extra eye on me."
Hobi rubbed the bridge of his nose and sighed in annoyance as he shook his head no.
"It's not like that at all Juwon..." Yoongi says. "We really are concerned about the stress thats been going on lately and now that you are pregnant again..." he says softly taking her hand. "We really do want whats best for you."

Juwon squeezed Yoongi's hand and sighed as he looked between the two of them again.
"Let's not let this sour the night, nor the next coming days." Hobi says, his angered expression fading, as he leaned over to kiss Juwon's forehead. "We still have a reception to get to and annouce the arrival of new little one. We can discuss this another time. Alright?"
Yoongi reached over with his free hand and rested it along Juwon's stomach. "I agree, let's not fight. We've been through too much to let something like this tear us back down."
Hobi nodded as he placed his hand over Yoongi's.
"Alright." Juwon sighs as she nods her head and smiles. "Then let's not keep our guests waiting any longer. I'll get changed quickly, you two do the same."

Later that evening, after the reception had went on for a few hours, Hobi stood up at the table and clinked a fork against his champange glass to get everyone's attention.
Once the room settled and everyone was looking in his direction, he motioned for Yoongi to take one of Juwon's hands as he took her other and they both helped her to stand.
"Thank you everyone who came out to help us celebrate our wedding. Before we each have our first dance with Juwon, we have an annoucement we'd like to tell everyone." Hobi smiles over to everyone.
Everyone smiled and waited anxiously for whatever the news might be that was in store for them.
Hobi looked over to Juwon and Yoongi with a smile. "Who should be the one to tell them?"
"I think Juwon should tell them." Yoongi nudges her arm playfully as he gives her a gummy smile.
Juwon nodded and smiled as she looked out amongst the crowd.
"We are having another baby." she says excitedly as she scrunches up her shoulders and squeezes both Hobi and Yoongi's hands, smiling happily as the room erupted in clapping and congratualtions from all their guests in the room.
It was then it felt like time stopped in slow motion, as Juwon looked out amongst the crowd, her eyes fell upon Hobi's parents, smiling as she watched his mother bouncing Jaesang on her hip.
But her smile slowly faded as she looked behind his parents to see the figure that had been haunting her slowly moving their way through the crowd.
Juwon slowly closed her eyes as she took a deep breath in and chanted quitely to herself.
"Everything is fine. They aren't there. Its not real."

It was then Hobi and Yoongi noticed the change in her demeanor, both of them asking her if she was okay.
But all she could do was slowly tune them out, chanting over and over to herself that it wasn't real and that when she opened her eyes, it would be gone.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2022 ⏰

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