Chapter 9

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So sorry I have not been updating regularly like I normally do. Life has been a bit rough lately, between being sick and just other mountains of crap going on in my life.
Saddens me because writing is everything I love to do and I hate falling behind.
Anyways, enough about me, here is part two of the birthday escapades! Also the spice warning as per usual, so if its not your cuppa tea, wait for the next chapter.
Love you all!

After the 3 of them showered, they all dressed and made their way out on the town.
"This resteraunt looks good." Hobi says after awhile of them walking around and exploring, just enjoying their time together as they would any other date night.
"It looks a little, plain." Yoongi frowns as he looks over the small simple shop.
"I think it looks perfect, Mew Mew." Juwon says as she fluffs Yoongi's hair playfully and sticks her tongue out at him.
"Don't take his side just because its his birthday." Yoongi rolls his eyes as he follows the two of them into the shop.

Hobi laughed lightly as the three of them sat down at a table and waited for their server to walk over and take their order.
"Its techinically not my birthday she's siding with me, because obviously I am the favorite."
"Make that two bottles of soju." Juwon says with a smile to the server who had just walked over while Hobi and Yoongi were talking.
"Sure. I will bring them right over." she nods as she leaves their table.
"The favorite?" Yoongi scoffs. "Ever the arogant as always."
"Oh boy..." Juwon sighs as she pours them each a shot of soju and passes them to the two of them.

This was normal behaviour for the two of them. Sometimes the bickering was serious, but more times than none, it was just playful bickering between the pair of them that allowed them to blow off steam in their own way that seemed healthy for them.

"Arrogant? Arrogant how? Cause I am clearly the favorite." Hobi jokes as he takes the shot of soju.
"Juwon, will you tell our arrogant fiance, that this is not how the relationship works?" Yoongi now turns to Juwon for back up as she looks between the pair of them and giggles lightly.
"Oh no, I am not getting dragged into the middle of this fight." she says as she takes her shot of soju.
"Clearly because I am the favorite here. You both cling to me the most, so its more than obvious." Hobi laughs.

As the two of them carried on their childish arguement, Juwon suddenly felt the overhemling senstation again of being watched. She glanced around the room quickly, but trying not to draw too much attention to the fact that her mood had now shifted. She searched every corner of the resterauant and looked out all of the windows, but she saw nothing remotely close to a figure lurking about, or the person that had been following her before.

It was then she felt the overwhelming feeling to check on Jaesang. She took her phone from her pocket and quickly sent Mina a text message asking how things were fairing with all of them and if Jaesang was sleeping well.
She tapped her finger impatiently on her screen as she tried to pay attention to Hobi and Yoongi, who had now shifted the conversation over to discussing the wedding and how Juwon had brought up the idea of using the same venue they had used for the baby shower.
"So when everyone calls to RSVP we will just tell them its the same venue as before, and if anyone needs the address again we can send it to them." Yoongi says as he leans back in his chair, folding his arms across his chest.
"Juwon, what do you think? Is this the venue we for sure want to go with?" Hobi asks her curiously.
"Hmm?" she says quietly as her phone dings and she immediatly grabs it and opens the text message from Mina.

Mina: Everything is fine. Just got Jaesang changed into his jammies, and him and Auntie are on the couch reading books before laying him down for bed.

And then there was another ding, with an attached picture sent of Auntie and Jaesang sure enough curled onto the couch as she was reading him a book.

Juwon let out a sigh of relief as she turned the screen of the phone off and looked up to Hobi and Yoongi.
"Oh I am sorry. What were you saying?" she asks curiously as she looks between the two of them.

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