Chapter 14

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*One Week Later*

Hobi sat in the office room of their home and looked over the email Dongsun had sent him for his upcoming trip to China. He had also just booked his flights to and from the trip.

He sighed heavily as he laced his fingers together and leaned over his desk, rest his chin in his ontop of his hands.

It looked like he would be gone for a month this time.

Whats even more, for his and Yoongi's peace of mind, but for Juwon's mental health, he decided he was going to let Juwon leave work and stay home.

Now that she was pregnant again, he knew the stress of her paranoia, and taking care of Jaesang, that work would just add onto her load.

DongSun had already done interviews and narrowed down to one potential replacement, with a list of backups. The only thing left to do there was to have Juwon sit in for the interview and give her final approval of her replacement.

He knew she would be stubborn and resist this decision, but he knew it had to be done, for the sake of his family.

For the sake of his children.

He also knew at some point, the discussion of what he had seen on the cameras would have to be discussed.

He sighed again as he ran a finger across his bottom lip.

But what truly weighed his mind now, was the fact he was going to be gone a full month this time. If what he saw on the cameras was indeed confirmation of Juwon's paranoia, it didn't make him feel anymore comforted about the situation.

"Appa!" cheered Jaesang's voice breaking him from his thoughts as he looked up and smiled as he let go of Yoongi's hand and ran over to him.

"All dressed I see." Hobi smiles as he sits his son on his lap and runs a finger through his bangs, smoothing them more to the side and looking up to Yoongi.

Yoongi crossed his arms and sighed as he looked to Hobi with concern.

"Whats wrong Hoseok? The only time you do that face is when you are stressed." Yoongi sighs as he leans against the desk.

Hobi straightens Jaesang's tie as he sighs as well and avoids looking up to Yoongi's eyes.

"I'll be gone for a month this time." he says as he finally looks up to his eyes.

Yoongi shrugs and hods Hobi's gaze. "Okay? I told you, we will handle it. Its not your first or last China trip, we will be fine."

"Yea but with Juwon no longer working, and the fact we still need to address what was on the cameras, it might affect her paranoia." Hobi says matter of factly.

"Hobi, I have watched the footage with you a million times over, it looks like a wild animal. We live on a beach, its really not uncommon."

"But when paused it does look like a person, the person even had on a black hat like both Mina and Juwon have described."

"So up security while you are gone Hoseok, have our friend in the police department on standby, I'll take her and Jaesang to the office with me on the days I have to go in. Hoseok, relax. We are getting married today. This is not the time to stress over these things."

"I already called the Decetive and sent him the footage. I've bought more cameras and had them installed. I would normally agree with her going to the office with you, but any time we "babysitt" her she gets upset. Instead I've asked Mina to come stay with you guys while I am gone." he says standing up with Jaesang.

"Okay, you have it all figured out, why are you stressing?" Yoongi sighs as he too stands up.

"Because Yoongi, it doesn't help that I won't be here for a month. I haven't been away from my son for that long either, I really don't feel right going this time." he rests a hand on Yoongi's cheek as his expression softens. "I worry about you all."

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