Chapter 6

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Sorry I haven't updated this week. I have this awful cold and its had me down all week.
So if this chapter isn't up to par, I apologize.
And dont forget, Meet Me in the Stars starts next Monday!*

Awhile later after Juwon had another shower, she lay next to Hobi wide awake. Her mind wandering and sleep still refusing to find her.
She sighed as she looked over to Yoongi's side, him and Jaesang still hadn't made their way to bed yet, and so she quietly got up from the bed as to try and not disturb Hobi, who was sound asleep.

She walked out of the bedroom and made her way upstairs, looking down the hall to see the library room door was opened slightly and a small light shone out of the entrance.
She smiled as she made her way quietly down the hall and peaked her head around the door.
Yoongi noticed her standing there and pressed one of his fingers to his lips as he motioned for her to come inside.
She pushed the door open slowly to find Jaesang sound asleep in his play pen, curled up with one of his favorite stuffed animals and his favorite blanket drapped carefully over him.
"What are you still doing awake?" Yoongi whispered as soon as she was close enough to hear him.
"Couldn't sleep." she says quietly as she sighs and sits down next to him.
Yoongi looked over to her with a slight smile and pulled her over to sit on his lap.
"What are you working on?" she asks curiously as she looks over to the computer screen to see the pictures the two of them up on his computer screen.
"Hmm, editing..." Yoongi says through a sultry sigh as he runs an index finger up her arm, sending a slight shiver throughout her body as she looked closer to the picture he was currently editing.
It was the one she took of him, the one where she grabbed him by the throat out of her curiousity.
"You are gonna give this one to him as well?" she asks as she turns to look at him with a grin.
"Why not?" Yoongi shrugs as he leans back slightly. "Besides you did a good job of capturing the look he likes." he winked to her as she blushed slightly as she turned back to the computer screen and clicked through the pictures he had choosen to edit.
"You know we will have to give this to him before the dinner party, unless you plan to test his resillance around his family. If that's the case remind me to clear out when he comes for his vengance." she giggles as she turns to face him again.
Yoongi chuckled as he wrapped his arms around her waist and held her tightly, resting his head just slightly on her shoulder. "As much as I love to see a flustered Hoseok, I could never do something like that to him in front of his parents. Their respect means to much to him." he sighs. "Auntie is actually coming Friday to help Mina with Jaesang. I had already had things planned for a pre birthday surprise for him."
"Auntie is coming a day early? Im so excited." Juwon says excitedly as Yoongi leans up from her shoulder and smiles at her excitement.
For a moment the room grew quiet, as Yoongi just stared into her eyes and smiled. It still amazed him to this day how well she had fit into their lives, and how now looking back he seemed like an idiot for fighting his feelings for so long against her.
He reached out and gentely tucked her hair behind her ear and carefully ran a finger through one of the long strands, tugging lightly at one of the tangles that she had missd when she brushed through her hair.
"Is everything okay between you and Hoseok, now?" he asks quietly as he smoothed out the rest of her hair with the palm of his hand.
"Mm." Juwon says with a slight smile.
"That doesn't seem convincing." Yoongi sighs.
"Everything is fine, Yoon. I am sorry for the comments I made, and for losing my temper."
"Its not you losing your temper, I am worried about. It's you not understanding us trying to keep you and our son safe."
Juwon looks over to Jaesang who was still sound asleep in his play pen. "I know." she says through a small sigh.
"Look at me..." Yoongi says pulling her by the chin and turning her head towards him. "I will not watch you go through this shit again, I will not risk our son going through this, and until we figure all of this out, we have to do what keeps you safe. Just endure it for now, and I promise it will all work out, ok?"
"Ok." Juwon says as she nods in agreement.

Saviours (Book 2) Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant