Before He Disappeared

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Annabeth woke to a light knock on the window in her cabin early in the morning. She sleepily rubbed her eyes and sighed. The knocking had stopped. She slowly sat up and pulled open the grey curtains. Percy, her boyfriend of almost exactly two months, was walking away from her cabin. She jumped out of her bunk, threw on her sweatpants and tennis shoes, and ran out of her cabin.


He turned around and grinned when he saw her.

"Hey. I knocked on your window, but I thought you weren't gonna wake up."

Annabeth smiled and swatted him on the arm.

"Seaweed Brain,"

She grabbed his hand. Percy led them down to the beach. He sat on the dock. Annabeth plopped down next to him. They both took off their shoes and put their feet in the water. The camp was quiet in the morning without all the ADHD demigods running around. There was dew on the grass, and the water in the lake was still. It was the most peaceful Annabeth had ever seen the camp.


She turned her head up towards him. When did he get so tall?

"I was thinking,"

Percy began,

"About the war."

Annabeth readied herself for another hard conversation.


She asked.

"What did the day before Beckendorf died feel like to him? Like, did it feel different, or was it another normal day? Or what did it feel like to Silena, or Ethan, or Luke? Do you get a certain feeling? What if they died when they weren't ready, or-"


Annabeth put her hand up.

"Beckendorf willingly sacrificed himself. If he wasn't ready to die, he wouldn't have done that. Silena, too. Ethan realized what was right in the end, and that's all that matters. And Luke, he- he realized what he did was wrong."

"Wise Girl, what if they died for the wrong side?"

Annabeth stared at him.

"What do you mean?"

"Like, what if Luke was right? The gods treat us like crap, then expect us to do all their dirty work. It's not fair. I think he had a good reason, until he got the titans involved."

Annabeth tried to wipe her eyes so Percy wouldn't see.

"Honestly, Seaweed Brain, I've been wondering the same thing lately."

Percy sighed and leaned onto her shoulder.

"I just don't want them to have died for something not worth dying for."


Later, Annabeth decided that they needed to do something to cheer both of them up. So, they went swimming. She had pulled Percy up to go eat breakfast, then pushed him in the lake.


He yelled after he resurfaced. He swam over to the edge of the dock, grabbed her ankle, and pulled her in. She let out a shriek when she hit the water. She resurfaced, sputtering.

"Seaweed Brain!"

Percy smirked and dived underwater. He grabbed her ankles and pulled her under.



She turned around. She and Percy had spent hours underwater, talking. They had finally emerged when they heard the conch horn signaling lunch.

Katie Gardner was the one who called her name. Annabeth slowed down and let Katie catch up to her.

"Hey Katie,"

"Where were you during sword fighting? I tried to find Percy to ask where you were, but I couldn't find him either."

Katie blushed, realizing what she said.


Annabeth blushed, too.

"No, no, no! Katie, it wasn't like that! We were swimming!"

Katie raised her eyebrow and smirked. Annabeth groaned and ran her hand down her face.

"Seriously, just swimming. And talking."

Katie laughed.

"Right. Talking."

Annabeth smiled, remembering something.

"Oh, Katie, don't you remember you and Travis last night at the campfire? You guys wouldn't stop kissing."

Katie blushed.

"Fine. We're even. Just don't let Clarisse hear about this. She'll tease you forever."

Annabeth nodded.

"Hey, Annabeth! We missed you at sword practice! Kissin' Prissy again?"

Clarisse yelled from the Ares table. Annabeth groaned.

"Too late,"

Katie said, laughing. She walked back over to the Demeter table and sat down.


That night at campfire, Chiron made a comment about not missing activities to 'socialize'. Both Annabeth and Percy blushed and hid their faces.

Besides that, campfire was great. Annabeth and Percy sat together, like always. They roasted s'mores and sang the songs. As the last flames began to die as campers grew sleepy, Annabeth turned to Percy.

"Seaweed Brain?"


"I think if Beckendorf, Silena, or Luke got to feel like this at least once in their life, they were okay dying."

Percy smiled and pulled her close to him.

"I think you're absolutely right."

Annabeth smiled.


This time, Annabeth woke on her own. She checked her alarm clock. It was about the time Percy had woken her up yesterday. She climbed out of bed and quickly got dressed, this time grabbing her swim suit on the way out of her cabin. She tiptoed over to the Poseidon cabin. She found Percy's window, the only one with sea green curtains. She knocked. And knocked. He didn't answer.

"Seaweed Brain,"

She murmured to herself with a smile on her face. She shuffled over to the cabin's door and opened it. The cabin was extremely messy, like usual. But this time, it was messy like someone was in a hurry. She wrinkled her brow and flipped the light switch. The sheets were all tangled, like someone was pulled from them. And Percy was gone.

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