Demigod Family Tree

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Being a half-blood is hard. Being a half-blood forced to go to high school is even harder. Everybody knows demigods are dyslexic. So, naturally, English class is a demigod's worst enemy. Not counting monsters, of course. Still, every time Percy attempted to write an essay or read a book for English, he wonders how the fates could be so cruel.

"So, Percy, are you going to answer my question or not?"

Asked his English teacher, Mr. Aarons. Percy, who wasn't paying attention, being ADHD, only said,


Mr. Aarons sighed. Percy kinda liked him. He was cool, but what dyslexic kid liked their English teacher?

"I said, are you going to hand in your essay?"

That's when Percy noticed Mr. Aarons was standing in front of his desk with his hand out, waiting for Percy to hand in his essay that he didn't do cause when he asked Annabeth to do it, she said "Do it yourself." She will not be happy to find out he didn't do it.

"Funny story. I, ya know, like I kinda might have accidentally, like not written it."

Percy said while not meeting Mr. Aaron's eye. Mr. Aarons seemed extremely frustrated.

"So it took you three sentences and two improper uses of the word 'like' to tell me you didn't do it?"

Percy blushed and nodded.

"Do it tonight and bring it tomorrow. It will be late though."

After Mr. Aaron's said this, Percy mentally planned to beg Annabeth to do it. Even though Annabeth was dyslexic too, she could read and write better because she was the daughter of Athena.

"Okay, we're going to start our family genealogy project. To start, you are all going to make a family tree."

Percy's eyes went wide. He wasn't completely sure what a family tree was, but from what Annabeth told him, he was going to have to write down his dad's family. Which was more than complicated. Mr. Aaron's turned around and started drawing a example of a family tree. This was going to be a problem.

"When you're done with your family tree, we are going to present them in front of the class."

Mr. Aaron's said, turning back around to face his class.

"Any questions?"

Percy raised his hand.

"Yes, Percy?"

He asked.

"Um well, do we have to do both sides of our family? Like, our dad's side too?"

"Do you have a dad Percy? I'm not asking if he doesn't live with you, I'm asking if your mother ever meet a man-"

"Yes I do. I know him."

Percy cut him off, really not wanting him to finish that sentence. The whole class laughed.

"Then yes, include your dad's side."

Mr. Aaron's passed out the papers for the family tree and sat at his desk and started texting. Well, crap. Percy stared at his paper for a minute and drew out his mom's side, which was small. He left a lot of room for his dad's side, which happened to be full of gods, demigods, horses, and the occasional monster. He stated at the paper for the rest of class, not knowing what to do.

The bell rang, jolting him out of his thoughts.

"Your family tree is due tomorrow, be prepared to present it to the class. You may go."

Everybody jumped up and ran out of the room to their lockers, eager to get away from school. Not Percy. He walked slowly to his locker and got his homework. Percy walked out his mom's car and climbed in the front seat. If you're wondering why Percy didn't drive, imagine an extremely ADHD demigod sitting through driver's ed and staying still long enough to actually drive a car. Not pretty.

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