Left Behind

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When Thalia Grace became a hunter, she didn't think about the consequences. All that went through her mind was that she wouldn't have to decide the fate of the world. She didn't even think about that one day, all her friends would be gone. 

Laura's pov (hunter)


Laura scrambled over to Thalia.

"Yes, lieutenant?"

"Bring this to Artemis."

Thalia handed her a plain white envelope. 

'Yes ma'am."

Thalia turned away from her. But there was something about the way her shoulders hunched forward and the dead look in her eyes that made Laura stay.

"Thalia, are you okay?"

Thalia turned around and glared at her.

"What do you mean by that?"

"I- I don't know. You just seem sad,"

Laura said, stumbling over her words. Thalia stared at her for a second.

"It's a long story."

"I have time,"

Thalia laughed and sat down in one of the chairs around the campfire. Laura sat down accross from her.

Thalia sighed.

"I haven't talked about them in a long time,"

She whispered.

"Who? Your mom? Do you miss her?"

Thalia laughed.

"No. My real family,"


Laura waited for her to go on.

"My brother Jason, Annabeth, Percy, Piper, Leo, Frank, Nico, Travis, Connor, Clarisse, Tyson, Jake, Lou Ellen, Butch, and... Luke."

She whispered the last name, almost as if she was afraid to say it.

"Who's Luke?"

Thalia looked up at her. Her eyes were wide with raw emotion.

"He was like my brother. I had a crush on him for so long."

Laura's eyes were wide. The lieutnant of the Hunt just admitted she had a crush on a boy!


"It's not like I was secretly seeing him, Laura. He's dead."

"Wait, are you talking about Luke Castellan? The traitor?"

"He was not a traitor!"

Thalia shouted at her. Laura stared at the ground.


Thalia sighed and ran a hand through her short black hair. 

"It's okay. He did it for me,"

Laura's head snapped back up to stare at her.

"He did?"

Thalia chuckled.

"I'll tell you all of it."

She started with finding Luke. She told her all of their adventures including finding Annabeth. Even the part about her waking up from being a tree and discovering that everyone was older and Luke betrayed them because he was angry at the gods for not saving Thalia instead of turning her into a tree. She told her about when Percy came to camp, and the Titan War. She told her about the two months of no prophecies and then Percy disappears, and the Giant War starts. Thalia told Laura of weddings, children being born, and then, deaths. 

"They're all dead. My family left me behind because of a selfish decision I made." 

Thalia started to cry. Laura found that she was crying too. Laura wiped away her tears.

"Do you ever regret becoming a hunter?"

"Yes. All the time. It was the most selfish decision I ever made. I didn't realize the how much family means."

"Are you going to quit the hunt?"

Thalia sighed. 

"I don't know. If I did, I wouldn't have anybody left or anywhere to go."

"Does Artemis know that you regret it?"

" I haven't talked about it with her, but I wouldn't be surprised if she did."

Laura smiled kindly at her. Thalia stood up.

"I have to go. Thanks for talking with me."


Thalia smiled and walked away. Laura sighed.

Thalia was left behind.

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